Chapter 24

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Kian's P.O.V.

It's been a couple weeks since Talia and I have been acting like a couple but not really admitting to anyone or even to ourselves that we are a couple. I just wanted it to be special and not a casual like 'hey we're dating now' type of thing. I want her to remember it and I want it to be special. I had an idea in my head but I wasn't sure whether Talia would like it or not but I loved it therefore I just had to do it.

Talia and I were cuddled up together on my bed, she was facing opposite from me. Her back was against my chest and I let out a small breath just thinking of my plan that was going to take place in the next days.

"What's up?" Talia asked me, concern in her voice.

"Nothing," I replied, "just thinking of us, it's not a bad thing"

I could picture her smiling after I said that, she started playing with my hand that was wrapped around her, "what exactly are we?"

That one question that came up often during moments like these. The question I absolutely dreaded since I knew the heart broken look she would give me after I answered the sentence I always said.

"I.. We're really close friends that clearly like each other, but we aren't dating just yet, wait and be patient I want it to be special, unforgettable, kind of like how you are," I gave her a squeeze like a kid would squeeze their teddy bear when they got scared or sad.

"You are so freakin' cheesy, god, this is worse than a chick flick,"

I started laughing at her comment not being able to hold in my laughter, not even for a minute. She laughed with me.

"What?" She asked turning towards me.

I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and smiled at her, "You're so cute," I said with a smile on my face not getting over how amazing she is.


I had my camera in front of me ready to film this video, "TALIA!" I yelled, crossing my fingers that she would just go with this plan I had all set up.

She ran up the stairs sitting next to me already knowing that I wanted her featured in my new video, "What are we filming today?"

"The best friend tag, just go with it ok?"

She nodded her head but then started biting her nails, I grabbed onto her hand and kissed it about ten times then held it in my hand while I was doing my intro, the camera didn't capture us holding hands since I just focused the camera on the upper half of our bodies.


Once we finished answering the 10 random questions from the tag that I found online I was about to do my outro but before I looked at Talia grabbing her face in my hands, I felt her blush and she pointed at the camera, "Kian.. It's filming, what are you doing?" She asked letting a giggle escape her mouth.

"Talia, we just did the best friend tag-"

"Yeah I know Kian, what.. What are you doing? You didn't even do your outro" She said trying to look at the camera but I made her focus on me.

"Shh don't interrupt just listen," I said moving my hand from her face and placing my index finger on her mouth to make her keep quiet, "Tal.. I wanted to ask you a question-"

"Fuck Kian we aren't getting marri-" Before she could finish her sentence I leaned in really quick not allowing her to finish it and kissed her.

She was startled at first but she kissed me back after, I held her face in my hands like I did last time, she started playing with some of my hair running her hands through it.

Forget about him, or everything? (O2L fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now