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10 years later 

Talia's P.O.V 

The more I grew up, the more I learned that life was like a roller coaster, like that saying that everyone said. 12 years back I used to laugh at those saying and think it was lame,  but now that I see how life is, it really is like a roller coaster, back then I just noted the days that sucked and ignored all the good days which is quite miserable if you asked me, but so far life was good. The boys and I still kept in touch and hung out quite often and don't you worry, Kian and I were still going strong. We had our own house in LA, we live fairly close to all the boys. A small drive away. All the boys had their own place now, most of them dating, Jc was dating Lia as always, he was actually talking to Kian and I about proposing to her, Ricky was dating this girl that I yet have to meet, Connor was still single, surprisingly but he told me recently he had a crush on someone, Sam I'm not sure what's going on with him, he says he's dating but yet they seem to have a hard relationship, they argued quite often and last but not least Trevor, he was still single but he was getting there, I could see him flirting around with some girls he just needs to focus himself onto one girl only. Kian and I we're happily married. He proposed on the beach 8 years ago and we got married a year and a half after. The boys still did youtube videos from time to time, they didn't do it once a week anymore they just posted when ever. We still go to youtube events, but its more to go see the new and up coming youtubers but for some events the manager of the event asks the boys to do a meet and greet. I didn't really enjoy doing youtube so I didn't do much of it, I got into photography and I'm now a photograph for a company that does pictures for nearly everything, but I mostly do pictures of people, like kids during picture day, family's that come to get their picture taken and I also help out some magazines to edit pictures of celebrities, which might lead to a promotion to taking their pictures which would be beyond awesome. 

"Mommy!" Eliot said tugging on the hem of my shirt. 

Eliot was in fact, Kian and I's son, he was 5 years old, he was the cutest boy ever, I was so happy to have a son like him, healthy and happy, he was super energetic like Kian and he had Kian's eyes. He was just so cute. We also had a little baby girl, she's only 2 years old, and Kian was so happy to have a older boy so when they get old if ever someone hurt Hailey, Eliot could scare them away, which I thought would be really cute, but I wasn't sure if it was true that boys actually did that for their sisters but I guess we would find out in the future. 

"Yeah, El?" I questioned him.  

"Where's daddy?" His eyebrows raised up which was the cutest thing ever. 

I leaned down to pinch his cheeks, I picked him up, he wrapped his legs around the side of my hips, I turned my head so we were facing each other, his face super close to mine, "Let's go find him," I told him while he wrapped his arm around my neck loosely. 

We were at this small gathering type thing, with a bunch of friends at Jc's house, he was the type of guy to throw parties and stuff but since I told him the kids were coming he kept it cool, and we went on calling it a gathering, since it wasn't a party, there wasn't any booze, no loud music with flashing lights. I walked around the house scanning every spot to find Kian. I found Jc with Lia standing beside each other in the kitchen. 

I walked up to them, "Hey Jc, hey Lia, have you guys seen Ki?" I asked him. 

Before I got a response Jc yelled my name hugging me to him, making it a group hug since I was still holding on to El. 

"Hey babe," Jc said, yes he called me pet names and no it didn't make Lia or Kian jealous since it was just in a friend type of way, which I thought was cute. 

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