Chapter 5: It's All a Lie! (Story Trailer & End of Volume 1)

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I am actually going to make this story short because.... I know only a little about Warcraft Lore and I only played Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne many times even the campaign, so that is the reason why I will end volume 1 here and maybe published another story while I am stacking chapters in other stories and before I will forget.... Here's a story trailer!!!

-Story Trailer-

Title: The Decaying Rose (RWBY x Male Brother Reader) [RWBY Harem]

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TitleThe Decaying Rose (RWBY x Male Brother Reader) [RWBY Harem]

Description: Y/N is a boy who lived a shitty life, he was being targeted by an unknown organization even if he is just a baby or a kid... Y/N lived but not his memories, because he didn't know who's his parents are or why is he left alone in a middle of the woods but a day later he was found and adopted by Summer Rose and she is pregnant by that day and she introduced Y/N to her husband Tai but Tai didn't accept Y/N to be his son so he always acts that he didn't exist but Y/N already know that Tai didn't want him but he only stays because of his 'Mother' Summer Rose, she always loves Y/N as his son but after she gave birth to a cute baby Ruby and Y/N accepts Ruby as his little sister even if that they are not Blood related but in his heart he always be her big bro at all times and then he also met Yang another daughter from Tai and this made Y/N's blood boil for Tai having an affair from someone else than to his own wife....

Then another day he noticed that his 'mother' Summer suddenly disappear and he thinks that he will start finding her and leave Ruby in Tai's hands but also he finally accepts Yang as his little sister but he left the house... Y/N then left to meet up his best friend and there...they have a journey for several years until they planned to go to Beacon Academy to become a full pledge Huntsman to fight off the Grimms and become and known as Heroes of Beacon but there he saw.....



Y/N:"Look at me!!! Are you still just going to accept me! I'm a MONSTER NOW!!!"

Ruby:"That is not true!"


???:"Claim the sword... And you will have my power"

Y/N:"If this is the only way.... To save my little sisters"


???:"Death! I will give you a painful death for the exchange of your two adopted sisters!"

Y/N:"I.....I.....I..I will......accept...."

Ruby & Yang:"Noooooo!!!"


-Spoiler End-

-Story Trailer End-


6 Months Later


I am furious and in Rage to what just happened yesterday... And now me and the others just left and head to Northrend on a large boat with some soldiers and workers so that we can build a foothold on the shore...

-Flashback 2 Months Ago-

I am walking my way through the halls to find my crush, Summer Rose and I sent her a message to meet me at her Dorm because her team members are at the cafeteria having their lunch

Y/N:"Calm down, Y/N... Everything shall be fine.... You and Summer are been hangout together for weeks now... She maybe accept your feelings" I whispered to myself so that I will stay calmed

I turn around the corner to see Summer outside her Dorm room as she saw me, I smiled and wave while she did the same too...

Summer:"What do you want to say something Y/N?" she asked still smiling adorably

Y/N:"Uhhh... I... I... I have feelings for you since 3 months ago, Summer" I said as I straighten my body like a soldier but instead of seeing her smile it was sadness and she couldn't even look at me in the eye...

Summer:"I... I'm sorry but I love Tai much more than you, Y/N... I hope you understand that..." she said as the words hit me hard that it shatters my heart as I couldn't muster a word I just nodded and started walking away... Ignoring Summers calling out for me but it was like I am lost in my path...

Y/N:"I better just accept it anyway... I better leave her alone so that she can have more time with Tai more than me..." I whispered as I finally walked out of Beacon and walked around the open field...

From what I didn't know, Raven is following me without me noticing... and I arrived to my stop in the middle of Emerald Forest as I also heard some growls and seeing many Grimms surrounds me because of my negative feelings of mine...

Raven:"Y/N!" I heard Raven called out to me as I turn my head to her direction but the grimm in front of me didn't let me...

I killed it by unsheathing my long sword... I then started slashing everything even some trees fall down with only one slash but after several hours I am injured... Too much scratches and I am bleeding everywhere..

Raven:"Why would you do this?!" she shouted as she caught me before I hit the ground unconscious...


Raven actually confessed her feelings to me for the last time after 50 times in my life here in Beacon as I finally accept it with a kiss with her but I didn't noticed that Summer saw and heard everything as she tries to accept my feeling too but it was too late...

Timeskip to what happened yesterday...

I am heading to STRQ's room so that I could say that I manage to on hold me and the prince's journey to Northrend but as I saw the door creaked open, I peaked through it and from what I saw truly shatters my heart and my life...

Y/N:"Raven....why?...." I whisper to myself as I felt tears trail down my cheeks because I saw Raven, Summer and Tai in one bed having sex

I stood up.... Felt no more emotions except anger and hatred inside of me... I run back to Ozpin's office and still saw him and the prince talking about on holding the quest but I stopped them

Y/N:"We will leave for the journey to Northrend!" I said with a raised voice as Ozpin and Arthas was surprise but they didn't questioned me and so tomorrow we left to the docks of vale but before I could see the ship... I saw these two girls that I didn't want to see in my life...

Raven:"Hello, darling~" she said as my blood starts to boil again

Boom!! Cliffhanger!!


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