Chapter 20: The New Lich King (End Of Volume 3)

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Arthas' POV

I witnessed all the destruction that happened in Lordaeron... Villages burned to the ground, villagers ran and scattered but most of them died by the hands of the undead... I walked through the ruined streets of the Capital, looking at the decayed corpses of the people that once lived here...

I made my way to the open field of the Capital, as everyone was there, crying, praying, and praise to my father who is in a coffin... Uther saw me coming as he signals me to move at the front, I followed as I stop beside him...

Uther:"Where were you, Arthas... You are the only one that we're waiting here for the King's burial..." he whispers to me

Arthas:"I... Just need some time to think about all of this....destruction" I whisper back as he nodded with pity

And so, the burial ceremony has started as I give a speech of how my father was a great and strong warrior... all he did for me and the people... Good times or bad... He was there to help the people of Lordaeron...


3rd Person's POV

A ship was heading to an isolated island to bury the coffin where the traitorous Royal Guard and Paladin, Y/N L/N... as his sword was separated from him and placed in a chest. Normal soldiers or people that tried to put Frostmourne away from Y/N and placed it in a chest was a hard one as the Frostmourne kills those who wields it... and so, with the help of Jaina and other mages, they had manage to separate the blade from the wielder and place it in a secured chest...

At this current time, there was nothing going on, sailors walking around to inspect the sails or just clean some parts of the ship, footmen and archers were below deck to rest. Until, Captain William, Arthas' friend and second in command of his soldiers, looks through his telescope and there he saw from the far right of the ship, a ship that is heading towards them, his eyes widen at this realization as he puts down the telescope and pulls a rope to ring the bell and to alert everyone in the ship...

William:"On your stations men! A unknown ship is heading to us! On your battle stations!" he shouted as his voice reaches below the deck of the ship and enough to wake up the men below...

On the other ship is being captained by, Captain Liam... He was also being leaded by Sylvanas, The Banshee Queen, and Kel'Thuzad, The Lich... he was ordered to not damage the targeted ship and their only option is to board it...

Liam:"I will relay the orders to the men, Lady Sylvanas" he says, as he then moved at the front of his men... those who are only loyal to Y/N... "Alright men, our only option here is to board the ship, if some or most of you saw Lord Y/N's coffin, do not damage it... We are here to recover his body, not to destroy it..." he says, as his men nodded but one of them speaks up

Footman:"Sir, no mercy?" he asks, as his question was met by Captain Liam's smirk

Liam:"No mercy" he answered as his men then cheered and roars for the incoming fight...

Back to the ship where Captain William was in, his men were all ready to defend while the sailors had finished readying the cannons... He for the first time felt nervous, he never felt this kind of feeling ever since his first battle against the orcs... He knew that this battle will be a suicide one...

William:"Steady. Steady... Fire!" he shouts as the men beside and below deck had relay his orders in a chain of command as what they hear next is the sounds of the cannons fires, then, they all saw that most of it misses and only some had manage to hit the ship but it wasn't enough to sink it...

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