Chapter 17: Death Knight's Arrival

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Location: Several Miles away from The Capital of Loraderon

3rd Person's POV

Villagers and Fishermen are helping each other to drag the damaged ship to the shore, with the help of their fishing boats... As they saw the dead soldiers on the ship as also the man that they all knew... Y/N L/N...

Fisherman #1:"Hurry, we need to get them to shore" he said while steering the wheel

Fisherman #2:"What do you even think that I'm doing" he said back while fixing the sails...


The Fishermen had managed to get the damaged ship to the shore as the villagers looks around the ship while checking the footmen if they are still alive...

Fisherman #1:"Any survivors?" he asked

Villager Doctor:"No... They all died from hunger..." he said with pity in his voice

Villager #1:"Hey! There's a live one here!" he called out from the quarter of the ship

The Villager Doctor walks his way there and there he saw Y/N L/N... on a chair with his head laying on the table with Frostmourne in his grip...

Fisherman #1:"Damn, he's lucky to survive this far..." he said surprised

Villager #1:"Yeah, at first I thought he's dead until I noticed his hand flinching..." he said

Villager Doctor:"Wait, which hand?" he asked

Villager #1:"That hand *Points*. The one that holding the sword" he said as the doctor walks his way and kneels down to inspect his arm

Villager Doctor:"Hmmm... that's weird... He's cold... too cold... like a lifeless corpse or something" he said as he then tries to touch his finger on Y/N neck to check his pulse...

Until, the Villager Doctor felt something pierced his stomach as he looks down and saw a sword in him and it glows... sucking his soul to the sword

Villager #1:"What the hell?!"

Fisherman #1:"Let's get the hell out of here?!" he shouted as they both ran out


I stand up as I felt myself like a new person... I pulled Frostmourne away from the corpse as I then point it to the doorway as it began to glow...

Y/N:"Rise... Serve me once more... For the Scourge" I said and the next thing I heard from outside is the clanking of armor and then the screams of the villagers outside my quarters...

I walked out of my quarter and saw my now undead soldiers killing and butchering the fishermen and villagers that is on board the ship... I looked down to my right and saw a wounded village woman as she looks up to me in shock and pure fear

Village Woman:"L-Lord Y/N?.... Why?..." she said with fear

Y/N:"Revenge..." I said and slowly swipe my sword over her as her soul got sucked in to Frostmourne...

I walk up to the front as I saw a Village and a graveyard nearby, I smirk and turned to face my undead soldiers

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I walk up to the front as I saw a Village and a graveyard nearby, I smirk and turned to face my undead soldiers...

Y/N:"Butcher the village and no survivors..." I said as one of them walks up to me and he is a familiar one

Liam:"As you wish, my lord" he said by kneeling down to his knees before standing up and unsheathes his sword. "For the Scourge!" he shouted a warcry as he and the others jumps down from the ship and began running towards the village

For me, I made my way to the graveyard and saw many tombstones and most of it are from the fallen soldiers... I hold my sword with two hands and raised it before piercing it to the ground as it then glows and cracks began to form around me...

Y/N:"Arise in the name of the Lich King" he said while pouring out his dark aura through the sword as Frostmourne then spreads the aura throughout the graveyard

Then from the graves rises undead soldiers... Ghouls, Skeleton Warriors, and zombies... Y/N rose up and there he hears a horse's steps heading towards him and there he saw a undead horse...

Y/N:"You will serve me greatly... Invincible..." he said to the horse as he then rides on it. "Onward!" he commands as he points his sword forward and rides at the front of the group...

 "Onward!" he commands as he points his sword forward and rides at the front of the group

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3rd Person's POV

Y/N's group was then met by Captain Liam's group as they then soon joins Y/N and marched towards the location where Frostmourne leads him while also leaving behind a trail of destruction behind him...

Y/N:"Mal'Ganis... There will only be one to lead the Scourge..." he said as he saw dead and decayed trees from afar... a sign that the Dreadlord's Undead Army left this trail for Y/N and his Undead Army

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Boom!!Cliffhanger!!(Really... It is)


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