Chapter 18: The Rise Of Y/N

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3rd Person's POV

Y/N leading at the front of his own Undead army, on his horse, Invincible... Captain Liam and his men forms as Y/N's Bodyguards... But, marching through the decayed forest will be a problem one...

Liam:"My lord, are you sure that the enemy will not likely going to set up an ambush on us?" he asked while riding on his own death horse...

Y/N:"I don't know, Captain. But, the sword leads us here... And it will surely lead us to Mal'Ganis" he said not giving a single glance to the Captain...

Liam:"As you wish, my lord" he replied before focusing at the front...

Y/N's mind is only focused on killing Mal'Ganis and achieving his vengeance... But, his chain of thought got interrupted as he felt something heading straight to him... And at the last second of reaction, he raised his hand and caught an arrow, a death arrow especially made from  only one person...

Y/N:"Sylvanas... I should have known that you're going to stay behind to stop me..." he comments as his guards was about to pursue, Y/N orders them not to... as he hops off his death horse and walked forward...

Lich King:'To your right, she is on one of the trees...' he whispers through his mind as Y/N raised Frostmourne and released a death coil towards the location of what the Lich King told him to...

As his death coil hits it target, by completely destroying the tree in the process... Sylvanas has still manage to jump out and avoided the death coil... as she landed on her feet and crouched down while also readying her next arrow...

 as she landed on her feet and crouched down while also readying her next arrow

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Sylvanas:"It's been awhile... Y/N" she said amused of seeing her prey once more... Before running off towards the forest...

Lich King:'Follow her... she is the key to lead you to Mal'Ganis...' he said in his head as Y/N then motions for Liam to come closer to him...

Y/N:"Captain, set up a camp here... I will not be long" he said before walking towards the forest where Sylvanas ran in...

Liam:"Understood, my lord" he answered and let his men set up camp while the undead began spreading to decay the surrounding area



I walked through the forest with Frostmourne sheathed, I ever wonder why she's still hunting me down and even wants my head...

Sylvanas:"I've heard from Mal'Ganis that you've claimed Frostmourne, I'm impressed..." she said but I don't know where its coming from as if like her voice echoes around me...

Y/N:"Yes, in exchange of some sacrifices to be needed..." I said remembering that day where I killed Muradin, cold blooded...

Sylvanas:"I knew it... Your past self is dead" she said as I then looked down to Frostmourne in deep thought...

Y/N:"I sacrificed everything... For the king and his people... Even if my life is on the line, I will always take my chances..." I said with sadness. "But what did he do... He did nothing! He claims to himself! Not even giving a single slight of credit about me! He only thinks to himself not to his people!" I said with venom in my voice...

Sylvanas:"So in the end you also sacrificed your memories of your childhood memories... like the time where your family is still alive..." she said as her voice is coming from behind me as I then turn around to face her only to see her holding my family amulet...

" she said as her voice is coming from behind me as I then turn around to face her only to see her holding my family amulet

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I tighten my hold on Frostmourne... I tried to hold myself from reaching at it...

Sylvanas:"It seems I'm wrong in the end... You still can't forget them, aren't you?" she said before throwing the amulet on the ground in front of me...

Y/N:"They did everything... to raise me to have a perfect life... only to be taken away after that Paladin taken me away from them, so that I will be train the ways of the light... and in the end after finished training to become a Paladin, I was informed that they died 4 years before I finished my training..." I explained as I was about to grab the amulet... But, I formed my hand to a fist and punched the amulet into many pieces... "But this time, I'm not going to cry for them or mourn... I have my own purpose in this so called "Life", but I am just trapped in this world of Hell" I said in rage

3rd Person's POV

Sylvanas was shocked by what had happened in front of her as she thought that the Death Knight was weak but she was all wrong... She lowers herself to the ground and on her knees as she puts down her bow in front of her... Y/N looks up and noticed what Sylvanas was doing

Y/N:"What are you doing?" he asked after standing up from the ground

Sylvanas:"Offering you my aid and service... I know that you want Mal'Ganis head... and so, I will lead you to him" she said while Y/N looming over the Banshee Queen, he turns away from her and began walking back to where he came from

Y/N:"I will accept your aid, Banshee Queen... So long as you will not betray me, I will make sure to reward you with your greatest desire" he said while walking

Sylvanas stands up and grabs her bow before catching up with the Death Knight... With both of them are now hunting down Mal'Ganis, the power of ruling over the scourge will shift...

Location: Not Too Far From Mal'Ganis' Army & Y/N's Army

A decayed land where in the middle is a huge Crypt as around it is many acolytes and Necromancers doing their own business, mostly rituals... Inside the Crypt is a coffin as the remains inside if from one of the Greatest Necromancer of the Undead...

Lich King:"Soon, your time to walk this world again is near, Kel'Thuzad" his voice whispers throughout the Cryot as the spirit of Kel'Thuzad appears next to the coffin

Kel'Thuzad:"As you wish, my master..." he said with a ghostly tone...



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