Chapter 15: The Mission To Lordaeron

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5 Months Later

Location: Beacon Academy

3rd Person's POV

Inside the Office of Ozpin, he was currently reading and watching the news about what happened in Menagerie as this made the white fang to return to Menagerie to help and secure Menagerie...

Then, he noticed a message in his scroll as it shows that its from Lordaeron... His eyes widen in surprise as he quickly grabbed the scroll and opens the message to see what it says...

-Headmaster Of Beacon Academy-

I was asked by King Terenas and Prince Arthas to request aid from you and your Huntsmen and Huntresses to come here to Lordaeron to investigate and any other further orders from the King... The dark days has come upon Lordaeron and The Alliance, I had already sent requests to the other kingdoms... 

-Uther The Lightbringer-

He was shocked to know that one of the most powerful kingdoms is requesting aids to other kingdoms... He sat back on his chair and thought deeply...

Ozpin:"Dark Days? Is this about Salem?..." he said to himself...


Somewhere in Vale is Team STRQ as they enter each clothing store and in search for baby clothes... mostly, this was all of Tai's idea...

Tai:"Oh, look at this one Raven... maybe this will be better- No! This one is better!" he said while trying to pick a better baby clothes for his future baby with Raven...

But Raven is not what she is like before, she also began to be a bit distant from Tai and her brother, Qrow... Summer always tries to comfort her time to time but it didn't work for her... As she still remember that day of when Y/N left...

Tai:"Agh! You know Raven, it will be better if you could help me choose some clothes for our future baby, right?" he said after noticing that his fiance is 6 steps away from him...

Raven:"....I don't care..." she said with a cold tone as Tai knew why she is acting like this... She still didn't move on even after what happened...

Qrow:"Let her be, Tai *Hiccup* A lady needs her privacy, including that she is pregnant *Hiccup*" he said drunkenly as Summer looked down sadly...

Even Summer didn't moved on as she still remembers the days she spent with Y/N... Until the rejection... Summer wants to forget all about it by accepting Tai as her boyfriend and now her fiance...

Tai:"Jeez, do you really need to drink that much, Qrow?" he asked after putting the baby clothes in the basket...

Qrow:"Hey! *Hiccup* Don't make me tell you how much it hurts to lose a drinking buddy *Hiccup*" he said drunkenly as he also treats Y/N like a brother to him but after knowing what happened to him, he felt pity for him while he also felt angry to the girls but he forgave them in the end...

Tai:"No, I don't wanna hear that piece of sh#t guy who acts all tough by telling himself as a Royal Gua- Gah!" he said but cut off by Raven who punched him in the stomach as she then pushed him to the floor...

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