Chapter 19: Fall Of Lordaeron

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Author's POV

Damn! This is a long chapter! 

Be Thankful! XD


1 Week Later

3rd Person's POV

The people of Lordaeron are now trying their best to pack everything they had and head to the port of the Capital... Lordaeron's downfall has already been foreseen by the Council and the King... Arthas, Jaina, and Team STRQ were sent to investigate a village not too far from the Capital... Rebecca, was with her father, Uther, to gather the rest of the soldiers in the Capital...


King Terenas sat on his throne rubbing his face in stress, while hearing the poor advice from The Council

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King Terenas sat on his throne rubbing his face in stress, while hearing the poor advice from The Council...

CM(Council Member) #1:"Who would even help us? The Orcs?!" he shouted

CM #2:"I already told you all! The Elves had sent an emissary and told me that they are willing to help us and let us live on the parts of their lands!" he shouted back

CM #3:"Then what?! Telling us of some rules to do on their territory?! This is blasphemy! We must still stay here! This is where our great father's history started... Then this is also where our history ends!" He shouted

CM #1:"We are not just going to let our people die! This infection had already spread half of Lordaeron! Quel'Thalas, Dalaran, and The Capital is what's left!"

CM #3:"So you're telling me that we would just be like cowards and run?!"

Terenas:"Running isn't the word that I wanted to hear..." he said as he looks up to the members of the Council. "Lordaeron is dead... Our only hope to save the next generation for our kingdom is to find and relocate... That is my final decision..." he continued


Terenas:"For all these years during my reign... I seek out answers and hear your advice for Lordaeron's problems... But, if its about Lordaeron and it's people is in sake... Then, it will be the King to solve this problem... Not any of you!" he shouted, the council are now silent and in fear to their King. "Now, do you all understand!"

CMs:"Yes, King Terenas!"

Terenas:"Then get out of my sight, in instance!" he shouted as The Council members the left from their seats and left the Throne Room... Leaving King Terenas and his Royal Guards...


Meanwhile, Miles away from the Capital, Y/N's and Sylvanas Army...

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