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*One Week Later*

(Y/N)'s POV
It's been about a week since I've arrived and Tony's let me settle in and adjust. He's placed some ground rules, 1) DO NOT go in restricted areas without his permission 2)DO NOT tell anyone that I know the avengers 3)DO NOT say anything about my real identity and 4)DO NOT bring ANYONE to the facility, unless they are authorized. Today I start my first day of school in Midtown. It's a bit far from the facility, which is in upstate New York. Midtown is a school in Queens. I would've gone to a school closer to the facility, but Peter goes to Midtown and he can help me fit in and the farther from the Avengers, the less it's likely anyone will find out where I'm living.

I got dressed, and left my room going down to the kitchen. I ate my breakfast and was escorted to school by Happy Hogan, Tony's close friend and chauffeur. During the ride there, I stared out the window admiring everything we passed by. I was soaking in all the nature. Soon enough, we were parked right outside Midtown Highschool. I nervously bit my lip, and took a deep breath. I smiled at Happy and waved goodbye as I stepped out of the car. I walked toward the entrance when something caught my eye.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to my left, where I saw Peter standing there talking to a guy. I smiled and heading to Peter's direction. I saw that the guy Peter was talking noticed I was walking their way, and stopped mid sentence. He looked extremely confused, as if a girl had never walked up to them. Peter turned around to see what his friend was staring at. He soon realized it was me and gave me a smile. "Hey" I said. "Excited for your first day?" He responded. Peter looked back at his friend who was still as confused as before and said "Oh, (Y/N) this is my best friend Ned," pointing to his friend, "Ned this is (Y/N)."

Peter, Ned, and I began to talk about ourselves as we walked into the school. I felt a few pairs of eyes locked on me, but I kept walking. Ned went to his locker and Peter showed me to the principal's office. Peter and I walked in and I stepped up to Principal Morita's desk. "Can I help you?" He asked, not looking up from his papers. "I'm the new student (Y/N) Quill." The principal then looked up from his papers and smiled at me. "Welcome to Midtown," He said and turned to his computer and pressed a few buttons. "I'm assuming you'd like your class schedule?" I nodded. He rolled his chair towards a machine. I'm pretty sure it was called a printer. A piece of paper came out of the machine and he handed it to me. Mr.Morita saw Peter standing there and commented, "I see you've already made friends, so Peter why don't you show (Y/N) around?". Peter nodded and held the door for me.

We both walked out into the hallway. I looked down at the paper, where it displayed my class schedule and my locker number and combination. Peter brought me to my locker, which just so happened to be right next to his and Ned's lockers, alongside some cheerleaders whom were gossiping. I approached my locker, and attempted to unlock it. I struggled to open it, due to the fact that I wasn't very familiar with human items, or anything that had to do with school for that matter. Peter only chuckled as he watched me struggle to open my locker, until I finally gave up. I turned to him, glaring. He just continued to laugh at me. After a few seconds he felt a bit guilty and helped me, by teaching me how to open the lock. The cheerleaders just stared at me, whispering to each other. It didn't really bother me, because they obviously have no idea that I'm from another planet.

I got my stuff organized, with the help of Peter, and it was time to head to class, physics. On my way there a guy a bit shorter than Peter, and had a bit darker skin yelled "HEY PENIS PARKER!!" Peter just looked at me and kept walking. "And who is this pretty lady next to you??" He walked up to me, smirking and said "why are you hanging out with Penis Parker? He doesn't deserve to be around a gorgeous girl like you." I just stood there. "I'd give you a nasty look but you've already got one." I walked away from that jerk and just headed to class.

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