*Chapter 17|Slut*

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Bianca's P.O.V


I didn't like the way that blonde girl stared at me in English class. At all. Even Asher noticed my uneasiness and asked if I was okay, not once but four times. I just replied by giving him a forced smile, but anytime I looked forward she was glaring holes into my head.

Asher was now walking me to my locker, it was already time for lunch but I had to get something.

"What happened in English class?" Asher suddenly asks when we got to my locker. "What made you so uncomfortable?"

Asher's sudden friendliness had surprised me ever since this morning. Asher was nice before, but not to the point of trying to start a conversation with me or being concerned about me. But I have a feeling Shawn has something to do about this.

I shrugged and opened my locker, I wanted to tell him why I felt uncomfortable in English class but thought better by keeping it to myself, I shouldn't worry him with my problems. We both have enough already.

"Don't be afraid of telling me what's wrong," he says, like he read my mind. "Just remember, if you don't, I'll find out."

I almost froze in shock from the unexpected statement. Okay...

With my thoughts closed, I sighed in exhaustion and turned around till I faced him. "It's just, this girl..." I begin, deciding to give in. "She had her eyes on you since we came into class and when she saw me talking to you, it was like she wanted to cut my head off and feed it to lions," I frowned in thought. Now that I said it out loud, she must have been jealous. But of what?

Asher laughed.

It was the most horrible sound I've ever heard.

It sounded like a donkey fighting a walrus. I couldn't help but laugh a little too, he looks much younger when he's smiling.

I guess this is the reason he rarely laughed - but I honestly don't care, I'd prefer hearing his donkey laugh than to see a blank expression on his face all of the time.

"That's what has you all worked up?" He says in almost disbelief.

"Don't laugh at it. She's out to get me I swear!" I yell at him with hot cheeks, he laughs again holding his stomach this time. I didn't understand how people didn't notice his loud, ugly laughs.

I huffed, out of irritation and began to walk away - but stopped when I realized my map was in my locker and I didn't know where I was going.

"Relax Bianca," Asher came beside me and we began to make the our way to the cafeteria. "I won't let her do anything to you. I promise."

He slung an arm around my shoulders unexpectedly. My eyes widened and my palms became damp. What's going on?

When we walked through the cafeteria door, Asher's hand was still around me. I found the others, they were seated at a table across the hall, I elbowed Asher's side and nodded to where the others sat.

We walked there, everyone was there except Clara. I noticed Jasmine and Shawn raise their eyebrows at Asher and mine's contact but said nothing.

Asher's hand fell from my shoulders as he sat, I took the seat next to him and Caleb.

"Where's Clara?" Blake asks.

"I thought she was with you guys," I reply, giving him a confused look.

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