*Chapter 32|Horror*

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Hey guys! How are you doing? Sorry it took a while to update but I have now!

Hope u enjoy the chapter😁❤️

•Bianca's P.O.V

Blake and Asher left eight hours ago, it's been rather quiet since then. Jasmine and I have both been on the edge of our seats, hoping for the best. I couldn't eat breakfast this morning, my stomach was out of control, it churned in anxiety and fear as my mind ran through thoughts about what could happen, I was afraid if I ate it would all come right out.

I stared blankly at the flatscreen as its bright light illuminated the dark room. Jasmine sat next to me with a large blanket covering both our legs, I had a bowl of popcorn on my lap, it's almost untouched.

Jasmine was holding on to me tightly, her eyes never leaving the screen until a scary part showed up. Jasmine requested we watch a horror movie to get our minds off Asher and Blake.

I've not watched a horror movie before, not that I'm not interested. I just never really had the idea. Anyways, jasmine requested the movie 'The Nun'.

It's a pretty scary movie, but I've barely been paying attention. My mind was still on Asher. Why did he have to leave after telling me how it felt?

I don't understand what I feel. I like him, I know I do. But is it love? Are my feelings that strong? I remember the way his eyes bored into mine as he spoke those words, I know he wasn't lying. I just know it.

But do I feel the same?

When I blurted out my thoughts did I mean I loved him? Comparing my love for him to that of the people I considered family. But then again, I love having him near me, I love his eyes, his smile, his sweet deep and calming voice.

He smelt like apples and mint, two of my favourite things. The thought of him makes my heart pump, so it has to be love right? He affects me so much, but am I sure? Should I have told him how I felt if I had doubts?

But when I told him I had no doubts at the moment, why are they coming now?

I just hope he's alright, the last thing I want is him to...

The thought of that happening makes my heart fall and my stomach hurt. He has to be fine. He has to be.

Suddenly the place went dark and the movie credits came up, signalling the end.

Jasmine let out a sigh and leaned her head on the couch as she stared at the ceiling, breathing as if she just finished running a marathon.

"That was one heck of a movie. I'm totally sleeping with you tonight."

She turned her head to me, the place was dark but I could still make out her features from the small light from the screen, her face looked confused as she stared at me.

"Bianca, you've been quiet since the movie started. I thought it was because you were creeped out. Now I'm not so sure," she said and sat up in a kneeling and sitting position, she turns to me. "What's up?"

I didn't hesitate to reply to her, my words sharp but quiet, "Asher told me he loves me," her eyes widened, "I told him I love him too-"

"That's great!" She exclaimed happily, cutting me off and clapping her hands in excitement.

"No it's not jasmine," I tell her with a serious look on my face. She frowned in confusion, "I told him I love him, but right now, I'm not so sure. I think I rushed it, I don't know, I've never had a crush before. I don't know what it's like to love someone that way, I just guessed I had a crush on him."

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