Random Thoughts #5

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"Please stay forever with me"

I coughed as I'm preparing to sing in front of the audience. They're silently waiting for me to sing. "Whooh. Deep breath, Tyler, deep breath. Ehem, here I go.", I sprouted as I'm trembling. I started singing as I strums my guitar.
"Stay for tonight..."
Oh god, I remembered her again since it is her favorite song.
"... If you want to, I can show you what my dreams are made of as I'm dreaming of your face..."
Yeah, dreaming. Like a lot. Daydreams. Of her.
"... I've been away for a long time, such a long time and I miss you there..."
Been away since she pushed me away that night making me cry like a girl. I didn't know how many times I cried that time.
"... I can't imagine being anywhere else. I can't imagine being anywhere else but here..."
I am starting to cry. No! Not today. I don't want to cry. Especially here.
"... How the hell did you ever pick me?-"
"Honestly, 'cause you could sing me a song." someone sings along with me. I stopped strumming when I saw her.
"But I don't think words can express your beauty." I sing as my reply to her.
"You're singing for me." she steps closer to me as she sings.
"How the hell did we end up like this? You bring out the beast in me." My smile widens as she kept on getting closer to me.
"I fell inlove from the moment we kissed-"
"Since then, We've been history." I interrupted her. Now she's in front of me, two steps away from me.
"They say that love is forever", she continues as she steps closer.
"Your forever is all that I need." I replied.
"Please stay as long as you need." she steps closer to me as she continues to sing.
"Can't promise that things won't be broken," I smiled as she's now inches from me.
"But I swear that I will never leave." she placed her arms around me.
"Please stay forever with me." I kissed her as the crowd roared.
"I love you, Ria."
"I love you too, Tyler.", ahh, that reply brings butterflies in my tummy.
"Well then, if I'm James Dean,"
"Then I'm your Audrey Hepburn."


You made my heart skipped when you continued to talk to me, I don't know. You tangle my nerves again, you made my knees shake as you speak little non-sense stories but I'm genuinely happy to hear you laugh and giggle once again. I miss you so damn bad.


Since you've been gone,

the color of my world fades

as you walk away from me

My grey clouds cried

a thousand times

like what you did

is more than stabbing me

a myriad times


(Originally made by Regulus Drake Smith and dedicated for me, so this one's dedicated for him.)

There was a wolf who fell in love with a fox. They always talk, tell silly things and secrets to each other. Sadly, the fox pretended that she didn't care about her wolf nor love him so she suddenly push him away. He was so sad about that he tried to forget her but he couldn't. He loves her so much that even fox unleashed him, he still come back to her no matter how many time she push him away. He still talk to her, yet she ignores him unlike what they used to. Often, she talks to him making him so happy even though he knew it could be the last time that they will talk to each other. Every night, he howls to the moon wishing he could hear his fox's voice once more and love him again.


My Eurydice left me in this world making me to sing sad songs and pleading Hades to get you back here from the underworld. But I made a mistake, I made her lose to my life again.


Mantenga nuestros recuerdos antes de que se desvanezca.

(Keep our memories before it fades.)

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