Random Thoughts #7

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Life, n.

: Yours is all I ever wanted to spend with.  


Parabolic, adj.
: My lips turns upward when I see you but goes downward when I see you with him.  


"I want you"

I want you
to tell me
the whole truth,
Don't tell lies

Don't fake it
Don't you sugarcoat
all of words
to please me

with those phrases
that looks surreal
Don't you stare
with pleading eyes

yet so deceiving
the whole truth
hides like shadow
I want you

to tell me
what you feel
towards to me

If it's none,
be better gone
like setting sun
killing hopes for a man.


Memories, n.
: The thing that brings pain whenever it comes back to my mind again and kills me whenever I remember it especially the times when I'm with you.


Gibberish, adj.
: The way I talk to you with shaking knees and sweaty forehead. Tongues twisted like saying tongue twisters and your voice could sprout flowers that attracts butterflies and making its vine to choke my vocal cord unable for  me to speak normally.


"I am the boss."
"But why you're acting like you're her underling?"
"Because she is the law." 


"Take her to the moon"

"You know I love you, don't you?" Maria said as she pokes her boyfriend, Timothy in his cheeks.
"Yep! And I love you too, Maria!", he replied with a cheeky smile that makes her laugh.
The laughter breaks as Tim's phone vibrates and ring.
"Sorry honey, gotta answer it first.", he uttered as he stands up in his seat.
Her upward parabolic lips turns downward when Tim answered his phone. Minutes past, he came back.
"Timo, who called you?"
"Hmm. Just a somebody. C'mon, let's eat. I'm hungry."
Days past and Timothy went cold,
He hardly gave time to her, he didn't even come to their anniversary date. Maria's still trying to understand him until...
"Hey honey! I got some flowers for you."
"Tim...", she utters as her tears falls down to her cheeks.
He bought flowers, but sadly, it wasn't for her.
"Maria?", he said as he noticed her in the staircase.
She ran, didn't look back from where she left him.
She became sad, she ignored his texts and calls, she can't sleep at night.
Then one day a friend called her advising her to go to the park.
She went and her friend asked her to sing. She didn't agree first, but later she said okay.
"Okay, this song's for the guy who broke my heart."
She looked and search for the voice who called her name.
It was Timothy with his girl.
"No matter what I do I still feel you coming back to me when I know that you never will.", she sang as she cries.
"So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for
"What is it?", he whispered.
"Be happy."
Tim cries as he listens to her song.
"And take, take her to the moon for me. Take her like you promised me. Say you love her every time like how you told me the last time."
"No, no,", he replied as he covers his face with his hands.
"Someday I know we'll meet again in heaven by the rainbow's end."
"And I only wish you happiness,"
"Please stop, Maria, I-"
"Until we meet again."


Asthenia, n.
: The best word to describe what happened to me when I saw you so happy with him. I can't move a muscle, as I became weak after I saw you both laughing while I'm crying with the rain.  


I came to your tea house and asked you what will you prefer for me to order. You were surprised since you knew I don't usually drink coffees and such, but you advise me to try your specialty in the house. I tried drinking it but didn't like it, so you gave me another cup of your second best but didn't also like it. But you gave me some another cup of drink, it is just a simple black tea brewed manually with some honey, and at last, I like it. You said I would like it, and since you also like it too. It became my favorite after. Not just the cup of tea, also you.


No matter how painful is to be with you, I'll stick to you.
Can't promise that I won't hurt you but I swear I won't give you up.


A short-fused fox rules over an obedient wolf.


We're both catastrophe but we made ourselves a beautiful mess.


I love you,


no whys,

no hows,

I just did.


Insane, n.

: You made me one whenever you chat with me.


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(I love you)


Losing you kills me a thousand times, so I rather die once than to die a thousand time but alive.


Being ideal to everyone isn't enough for them to stay. Even you're so ideal, they will still leave you.


I rather die fighting than to live surrendering.


"I do, Father.", She said as she smiles.
And the priest asked again.
"I do, Father."
"Then you may kiss the bride."
Her veil's raises up and heard you giggles.
And I was there, Sadly, not the groom but your groom's best man.
I heard my heart breaks into thousand pieces and the both of you kissed.
"Oh how I wish that was me."


I am no knight in shining armor,
No sword,
No honour,
Will you still love me as I am?

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