{6} Dreaming of Riley {Ditchin' in the Kitchen}

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Hey guys, so I know that you guys've been wating for this for a long time. So here it is :) ... The party. 

Which, strangly enough, is not much of a part. Sorry I start the story half way into the party and don't really tell you about it but it wasn't really a party. Just a guy session. You know? The real stuff happened in the middle and I don't have enough time to write about it all. But here it is, enjoy...

Chapter 6: Ditchin' in the Kitchen

Standing in the kitchen with a Crème Soda in one hand and Todd's fourth newly opened beer in the other. "If I felt like dating an alcoholic, I would." 

Todd stood there, glaring at me, trying to grab back his bear. 

After a few, failed attempts, he said, "Oh, come on, babe! Don't be like that. Let me have some fun. Just because you're mother Mary, doesn't mean we all have to be too," he mocked.  

It was now my own turn to glare, "This isn't about me drinking alcohol or not. You do not need another beer. Now, come on, there's Coke in the fridge," I said, opening the window and emptying the contents of the beer bottle.  

"Bitch," he cursed, glaring, as he reached forward into the fridge to take a new bottle of beer.  

I sighed. I hate when he's in these moods. Drunks honestly do scare me, and though, I'd never show it, I felt threatened by them. I go weak in the knees whenever someone was a little bit tipsy. That's why I avoid these sorts of things. 

I turned my back on the doorways which lead into the television lounge (where a rugby game was currently being cheered on by loud hoots from Todd's friends.) and the entertainment area (which had young males spilling over the pool table) and headed out toward the door leading outside.

Once out, I sat down on a swinging bench hanging silently, nestled between great trees and the open sky.  

I rested my back against the bench and leaned my head towards the sky.  

I watched as black clouds ran over black skies; dark on dark. The only light came from the glowing half moon, high above me.  

I sighed. Everything in my life seemed to darken around me. 

"Was the party too much for you?" I heard a voice, that I would recognize anywhere, say.  

I looked up into Riley's glowing, hazel eyes.  

We're really quite similar... blonde hair, greenish-brown eyes (though mine were a lot more green and his, a lot more brown) and same, stubborn attitudes.  

No doubt he'd want to talk about earlier... 

He sat down on my left, I watched him from the corner of my eye.  

"Why aren't you still inside?" I inquired.  

"Oh, you know, wouldn't want you to be getting eaten by the wolves." He said, smirking. 

"Does that include you?" I asked, rolling my eyes, before looking back up into the great, black sky. 

It's funny, we say the sky's 'black' when I think that it looks more like a brilliant, dark blue. 

"You see that really big star, over there?" Riley said, (pointing to a big, glowing, bright star) with his right hand. It flickered, and then went out, but was back, glowing bright within a few seconds.  

"Yeah, isn't it a planet?"  

"How I'm supposed to know?" He said, grinning.  

Idiot, I thought, rolling my eyes. 

Hmmm, he has dimples. They're cute... They suit him. 

"So, you not enjoying the party, then?" he asked, still smiling, but I saw another look flash through his eyes.  

Hmmm, what are you up to, Mr Riley?, I pondered silently.  

"Yeah, totally. Not... Um, not really, I guess. And what about you, are you enjoying the party?" I asked, playing along.  

"Oh, it's the bomb," he replied, rolling his eyes. 

I shook my head, chuckling under my breath.  

He smiled, but then it drooped, and a frown formed on his face.  

It looked like he was going to say something, but thought better of it.  

He clamped his jaw shut.  

An awkward silence fell between us.

"So... Do you drink?" I asked, rolling my eyes.  

I just knew that the whole party, by now, would know about the kitchen-incident.  

He laughed, that smile reforming onto his face. "No," he said, shaking his head. "Do you?" 

I shook my head, looking down, and a tentative smile on my face.  

"Hmmm," he said, suddenly.  

I turned, a curious frown now replacing my smile. "What?" 

"Your face crinkles when you smile." 

I pulled a face, I wasn't expecting that one. "Thanks?" 

"Oh, it wasn't a compliment!" he joked.  

"Ha," I cried, and hit him in the stomach with the back of my hand. 

He caught it, "Uh, uh," he scolded. "Don't be naughty, Princess." 

I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand back out of reach.

Again, a silence filled the air. Only this time, it was a comfortable silence. It was... pleasant.  

It stayed like that for a couple of minutes. We just sat there, staring up at the sky and enjoying the sound of silence.  

Well, it was nice until he broke the silence... 

"You know, Peyton, there are places that can help you." He tried to continue but I stopped him, getting up. I could feel myself going red with rage. 

"What makes you think that I need help? Because, I don't need help, I'm fine. And don't think that you can come and just involve yourself in my life. Like you know what I've been through," I yelled, turning.

I dashed up the garden path, slamming the door, leaving a shocked looking Riley behind me...

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Thanks awesome peepz




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