{8} Dreaming of Riley {Send Me A Message}

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Hey guys =) Sorry it took so long, I've had hectic writer's block! Omw... So, yeah, be grateful, it is now 2:20 am, my throat is hurting and if my mum knew I was still up right now, I think she would kill me... So I wrote this whole chapter this evening. Just writing whenever I felt a little inspired (but I wrote most of it since one --- seeing as I can't sleep. Don't ask me why, but just between you and me, it's probably boys :P) I am serious though...  

So be grateful, guys and pwetty pease with sprinkles on top tell me what you think...  

Here it is :P

Chapter 8: Send Me A Message

I woke up in my bed to the sunshine leaking through the clear windows; the forgotten curtains were drifting in gentle breeze coming through slightly opened windows.  

I lay on my back, head to the side towards the window and sun. I could hear a faint tinkle coming from my coloured glass wind chime. I watched as the sun's rays caught the glass and sent little beams of blue and silver reflected light shooting across the room.  

I turned my head to the other side to look at my digital clock sitting on my dark wood bedside table. It read: 11:13.  

Ah, bliss, I thought to myself. This is how a Saturday should be.

I reached across the table, grabbed my iPod and stuffed the ear buds into my ears. Scrolling through my playlist until I reached a song I liked. I clicked on it and let myself be immersed in music.  

"Say goodbye, say goodbye to the you I knew before. Say hello, say hello to a new beginning. Say goodbye, say goodbye... This is your genesis."  

I must have lain there for at least an hour without a care in the world. Lillie would have been dropped off at the day care by her friend's mum, so I knew she would be safe.  

I guess I'd be starting that detention next week...  

School... Todd...

I wondered if Kimi would be wondering where I was so I checked my phone for any messages.  

I then realized that my phone had been in my leather jacket... which was still at Todd's.  

I'd have to call Todd on the home phone to ask him to bring it.

I got up slowly, not wanting to leave the warm comfort of my bed, and headed towards the door. I made my way carefully down the passage way, not sure if my father was at work as he should be...  

The house stood still and empty though so I made my way down the long staircase and into the kitchen. Grabbing a piece of bread and popping it into the toaster, I then turned and to take the phone off the wall and checked the time. It would be one of the two breaks in about ten minutes but I knew that Todd would be having gym and would be changing right about now. So I dialled in his number, knowing it off by heart from use, put the phone to my ear and waited for Todd to pick up.

He never did though and after a minute I got his voicemail.  

"Hey, you know what to do," said his rough, deep voicemail.  

"Hey, Todd, Listen. Um, I'm sorry about last night, but you know, it's really not..." I stopped myself. I didn't need any more fights. I sighed, "Look, I left my jacket at your place and I was wondering if you could please drop it off and we'll talk then, okay?" I trailed off. "Um, okay... I love you, bye."

Disconnecting the call, I hung the phone back up in its holder on the wall and went to check on my toast.  

After I'd eaten and made and drunk some white hot chocolate, I made my way to the entrance hall, thinking I'd just pop out to the supermarket for supplies and then go and fetch Lillie early so that we could spend the rest of the day together, but I stopped short when I saw my leather jacket hanging over the entrance hall table next to the large vase of red roses.

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