{15} Dreaming of Riley {Change of Perspective}

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Yes, yes, I know. FINALLY! =D I'm honestly very sorry for the long wait and thank you for all of those who pushed me to write =} and thank you to those who are still reading this after I made you wait, again, I am truly sorry ={ It's been a busy term. I had a Science Expo, Exams, a singing concert with multiple late night practises and choir concerts =( And I still have a Play (also with numerous late night practices =() and a choir tour coming up so basically... I have been very busy. And Stressed. So that is my excuse as to why I have been suffering from writers block. I've been bombarded with everything else but no complain because it is here! So enjoy...

Chapter 15: Change of Perspective

The rest of the school day was spent in a dizzy blur. I couldn’t help but dream of what Riley had planned for me at the end of the day and I couldn’t wait.

I’d spent the whole of the hour in detention, staring out of the window, dreaming of being away and with Riley.

When the teacher alerted us that the time was up I was up and out before she could utter a word more.

I ran all the way to the bathroom, giddy with excitement. I pulled on the turquoise blue dress, loving the way it fell tastefully down my figure. I couldn’t remember the last time I had worn a dress just because. 

Making my way from the bathroom, my emotions – and my stomach along with it – swirled, leaving me giddy. I felt stupid for acting so pathetic but every time my thoughts turned to Riley I couldn’t help but smile.

Heading towards the parking lot, the smile fell from my face as I surveyed the lot which was empty apart from a couple of motorbikes. None of them were mine because Riley had come to find me as soon as school ended to get my keys from me. I’d been reluctant to hand them over, not sure that I trusted Riley’s driving skills but after a while of debating I had reluctantly agreed to let Riley ride my motorbike back to my house. He told me that he was going to get a lift from a friend back to school.

That’s why I got worried when I noticed that Riley’s car was nowhere in sight.

“Guess who,” a voice said from behind me as a set of hands covered my eyes.

I breathed a sigh of relief but also cringed as an uncomfortable sense of déjà vu settled over me.

“An idiot,” I offered, pushing his hands away from my face.

“Aw,” Riley pouted. “Don’t be mean.”

“Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Where’s your car?”

“Oh, just around the corner, outside the school gates,” Riley said, nonchalant. “I just wanted to see your face when you thought I’d ditched you.”

“Ass,” I said as I attempted to whack Riley with the back of my hand but he caught it in his own.

“Now, now, violence is not the answer.”

I rolled my eyes, tempted to hit him again.

“Come on,” Riley said, still holding my hand as he drags me out of the school gates towards his car. For the first time I realize that it’s an Audi because I recognize it from the television commercials. The convertible top is up this time though, which is alright for me because I don’t want to be looking like I got hit by a hurricane at the end of the car ride.

If I could whistle, this would be the time when I would.

I was still standing, staring at the car when I realized Riley has moved towards the driver’s seat and I was just standing there.

“Do you want me to lead you to the door or can you find it on your own?” Riley joked, holding onto the top of the open driver’s car door.

I rolled my eyes and started moving towards the passenger seat.

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