{10} Dreaming of Riley {You Don't Know}

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  • Dedicated to Charlie and Storm - May you for ever R.I.P.

Okay, so I know it's been a long time... and for that I am sorry. (For anyone who cared and if you did, thank you =})

So even though I am very tired and I've had a hectic past few weeks what with my hamster and dog both dying in the same week and then exams for two weeks after that and then life handing me lemons... But anyway, it's here now =}

And about the title and the song attached (it's a really nice song, btw) and I hadn't originally put it with the chapter but now that I have I see how psychic I really am - because the song goes 'and you don't know'! I mean, how weird is that?! Anyway, here it is =}

So please tell me what you think.

Vote, comment and fan if you think I deserve it.

And even if you don't - thanks for reading.

Anyway, good evening, infantile :P and goodnight to you all.

I need sleep after staying awake 19 hours straigt yesterday... This is not healthy for a girl  my age =)

Anyway, before I say 'anyway' one more time I am going to vamoos :)

So make like a cow and moooooooooooooooooooove =}

(or make like a Jenna and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep)

Chapter 10: You Don't Know

Later that day I called and cancelled all my other extracurricular activities for the next two weeks and decided to try and get my anger out in the form of hockey trials, after going to speak the coach .

I passed through the school day like a ghost. I refused to acknowledge Riley's attempts to grab my attention and Kimi's attempts to ignore me completely. I blocked it all out.

And when it came for hockey trials, which were right after school and before detention, I headed to the field in my sports clothes. I was pumped for this.

As soon as they called my name out, I went and grabbed one of the school's hockey sticks and got into position.

I play left back. I know that's not the most important position but I loved being the one who would challenge the other team's stronger players and battling for the ball. I was protecting my team... I loved that.

When the whistle blew I was off like a rocket. There was no going back. Nothing would ever be the same.

I gritted my teeth and raced towards the ball, tackling it with my stick, I moved the ball away from my opposition - who just so happened to be Amber - and sent it shooting up the field to my team mate. I was in the bibbed team, playing against none other than Amber, Kimi and the rest of the mean girls group.

It all just made me even more mad and disappointed and fuelled as I raced up and down the field, a flash of white and sapphire blue.


The next few days were little more than a blur.

I went through my lessons studiously, sitting as far away from my 'friends' as possible.

A few of them had attempted to talk to me, but those had been brief and awkward... The only persistent one was Riley, who kept attempting to speak to me but I wasn't ready... I was still angry and didn't care about what he or anyone else had to say at the moment.

The only people who I had any contact with were my closest guy friends - excluding Todd and Riley -, Tristan, who was madly skilled on the skateboard and enjoyed graffiti (and was good at it too) with his shaggy brown hair and an 'I-don't-care' attitude, and Nick, who was the exact cliché surfer dude with long (but not ugly long like you see on some guys) blonde hair, tanned skin and the multiple (against school regulation) piercings. 

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