{2} Dreaming of Riley {Diving into the Deep End}

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Ok, this is it from me tonight, it's... ok, it's only 10 o' clock but I've been away at boarding school, and I'm tired, and I have exams on Monday, so don't expect anymore posts for a while.

I'm going into study mode/hibernation (I say hibernation because mainly I'll be sleeping, especially through Geography...*Grrr tothat teacher* and Science because our Sub, is so useless... I came up with a new tv show; <Are You Smater Than Our Substitute Teacher> Yes! Because it's not very hard to be! :D

Chapter 2: Diving Into the Deep-end

I know I have a boyfriend, a perfectly over loving boyfriend, but the truth is, I've never felt for him what I feel for Riley. So maybe it's cruel to date whilst being head over heels for a certain, tall, hot, dark honey blonde boy known as Riley.

As he sat down, the slut of note, Amber came bouncing over, in her golden hair, blue eyed glory.

Gosh, she's annoying...

"Riley, whiley." She whined seating herself right on top of him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Are you buying?" she said fluttering her eyelashes.

"From you? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he actually has standards, however low they may be, you still don't pass," I commented, covering Todd's eyes with my hand, whilst grimacing at my view of her flimsy underwear that she was currently flashing for all the world to see out of her white, microscopic mini skirt.

She turned to face me and glared, "No one asked the gothic loner girl," she snarled at me.

"And no one ordered slut at this table," I returned the snarky remark.

The table let out of a chorus of chuckles, which got glares from Amber in return.

Most of the table had filled up with Todd's jock friends and my artistic ones now and were all talking animatedly but now had turned to watch the Peyton vs. Amber on going battle as Todd's stupid friends referred to it.

But by now Amber had lost interest and had turned her attention back to Riley and was pushing herself on him going, "Hmm?"

I fake coughed, "Amber, please, I am trying to eat, you're going to make me throw up. No one wants to see you get all nasty in public. Well, if it's possible for you to be anymore nasty."

"Oh, ha-ha. Come on Riley, let's leave the bitch and go somewhere more... private, hmm?" she said, trying to put her lips to Riley's neck.

But he just pushed her away saying, "Not now, Amber. Just go and hang with your friends and I'll hang with mine."

A look of complete horror crossed over Amber's features before she gained a neutral expression, swung on her heels and fled to be with her two best friend's Claire and Miley.

"Oh, so now you consider me a friend do you?" I asked Riley, jokingly, then took a giant bite out of my bagel.

"Who said I was talking about you," he replied, raising his eyebrows, a small smile playing at his lips.

Dude... that face, those cheeks... and he doesn't have a square jaw! He's so perfect...Okay, I'm so hooked...

I fake gasped, "Riley James, doesn't consider me his friend? What ever shall I do," I said placing a hand over my heart androlling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady!" he said, pointing his long, thin index finger at me.

"Oh, you did not just play the age card, and DO NOT point fingers at me," I yelled back.

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