{14} Dreaming of Riley {Meeting and Greeting}

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Here it is. Sorry if it sucks. Planned on putting in the date but yeah... That just didn't happen - deal with it...

<--- Haha, wasn't in a good mood when I posted that :P Thalz, don't take pictures of the page. Enjoy - it's an ave chap

Chapter 14: Meeting Change

I was floating. I seriously felt as if I was soaring above the clouds. I knew that this was nothing spectacular but this was the first time Riley and I would be doing anything alone and out of school together.

For me the rest was irrelevant, this was amazing.

I'd spent years hoping for a moment like this.

And now, even though I was skipping my way to detention, I could not be happier.

Rounding the next bend into a corridor with lockers and various small classes, I continued to make my way towards the next building where detention was taking place when I passed an open door.

I stopped, puzzled that anyone would still be here, and decided to take a look inside.

I gasped when I saw who was inside. Not a teacher, but a student.

Well, two to be exact but the one I had never seen before.

I tried to make a smooth exit, but while trying to back away from the doorway I ended up crashing into the lockers behind me. This caused the two students, one male and one female, to glance to the side, and from the desk that he had been sitting on, Rude Artist Andy's face wore an expression of surprise.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he said.

And I stood there like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Come on in. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable."

 I was aware of the fact that he was mocking me but still I couldn't get myself to move.

Somehow, when he insulted me earlier, he had got me feeling vulnerable and entering into the room felt like wandering into the lion's den, and that was so not the place I wanted to go.

Remembering the promise I had made to myself, about not being a coward anymore, I stepped into the classroom and eyed Stupid Andy, and his companion, warily.

The girl with him was pretty, with thick, dark hair and dark brown eyes, her skin much darker than mine. She wore a pair of jeans and a loose, frilly floral top and dark brown gladiator shoes.

When I was close enough to her, she gave a quick glance before saying, "Hey," with a little head nod. "I'm Thalia but you can call me Thalia."

"Oh, cool," I said, managing a smile, "I'm Peyton," I say dumbly before continuing, "Uh, just Peyton."

Jeez, why can't I keep my mouth shut?

"Well, Peyton, just Peyton, how are you doing?" She asked, and began placing the stationery sprawled across the table back into a space case.

"Uhm... Good thanks and you?" I asked confused at how an asshole like Andy could know someone who seemed so nice.

"Good," she said, nodding her head as she picked up the stationery bag. "Anyway, I've got to go but hopefully I'll be seeing you around," and she smile. She then turned to Andy, "Later, dude. I'll see you tomorrow. Same time and place."

"Okay, cool, but this time try be here at the right time," Andy responded.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I had a blonde moment - I'm aloud to have at least one a year."

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