{13} Dreaming of Riley {This Time}

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So late... So tired. Gonna be in SO much trouble with the 'rentals in the morning... Sigh, oh, well, it was for you beloved fans =}

Speaking of which! I lost one ='( which is bumming but I gained other, awesome ones =}

Anyway, there was a few things I wanted to say before I let you carry on with this long (for me) chapter - most of which I wrote since 12-now (3) completely exhausted but worth is because I'm going away from tomorrow (thursday) with my awesome pal =} and then when I get back I'll have like a day at home before my parents are forcing me off to Kruger for 5 days... been going there since I was a kid, so over it now. I know I should be grateful but cause of my bro and his gf I have to sit in the boot... and I'm clastraphobic and what not, anyway! So not important. So long story short, I wouldn't have uploaded til next, next week so say thank you =} *thank you, Jenna*

and if you'd like to reward me I really would love it if I could see more votes coming in... Not to seem ungrateful, because I LOVE your comments - keep them coming but I really need more votes =( the vote count keeps deteriourating and so now I grovel at your feet saying 'please click the vote button' I paint you rainbows? =}

So last... probably... Is this song that I've paired with this chapter which is just plain crazy cool! Lights with Second Go... Watch the vid, wouldn't you love to do this?! I would. It would be like my birthday =} ... Speaking of birthday's happy happy to my big bro who is now 17 and to anyone out there who have recently experienced a birthday... and even if you haven't - Happy Birthday anyway =P ... Right, lack of sleeps getting to me now. Night, night, all! Enjoy =}

Chapter 13: This time

Letting out a frustrated growl, I grabbed my pillow - deciding to beat it to a pulp - taking in a deep breath before resuming by shoving my face into the fluffy whiteness and screaming out my longs... All this in the non-literal sense, of course.

"Idiot!" I yelled into my pillow. So mad at myself because I'd let my chance slip through my fingers and I didn't know when, or even if, I'd get another chance.

Letting all my frustrated energy out on my pillow, I, eventually, got up and crossed my room to the bathroom.

Taking one look at myself in my bathroom mirror, I shuddered at my reflection.

I carefully dragged a brush through my deflated curls, smoothing it out into my natural waves and half curls. I then removed my make-up with a cotton ball and cosmetics remover.

Next time, I told myself, staring back at my reflection through the mirror. I will not mess up. I won't be a coward... Now, here's to hoping there'll actually be a next time.

Too exhausted to change I brushed my teeth before just climbing into bed. And I lay there, fully clothed - apart from shoes - in bed, falling into a deeply exhausted sleep.


I woke up sore with a throbbing head and an aching body.

"Ow," I muttered, lifting myself up, slowly, out of bed.

Carefully, not wanting to add injury to my already sore head, I made my way to the bathroom to wash my face and attend to my business.

When I looked up into the mirror I had to suppress a sigh, my reflection was anything but attractive.

How could Riley ever like me if I looked like I just got hit by a double-decker bus?

Deciding to take a quick shower, I stripped my clothes and was aghast to see that the boob-tube bra I had been wearing, when I fell asleep, had dug into my skin creating big, raised, pink welts.

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