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Eddie's POV

I arrive at the house and take a few deep breaths before knocking on the door. The door opens revealing Bill.

"H-hey, Eddie. C-come on in" he says stepping out of the way. He takes my bag and puts it in his room.

"Hey, Eds!" Richie says.

"Don't call me Eds, Richie" I groan.

"Once Stan gets here that'll be everybody," Bill says coming back into the living room. Bev and Richie wave me over to sit next to them so I do. I really want to text Bear right now but I feel like that would be rude. Mike puts in a movie to watch while we wait for Stan. About 20 minutes later he arrives.

"S-stan! H-hey" Bill smiles.

"Hey, Bill" he replies with a slightly smaller smile

"Alright so that's everyone. Who's up for a beer run?" Richie asks.

"Beer?" I ask.

"Yeah. Wanna come? It'll only take like 30 minutes or something"

"No, how are you even get it? You're 16"

"Fake ID's"

"I'll c-come with," Bill says.

"Anybody else....no? Okay. Be back soon" Richie says and leaves with Bill.

"Do you guys actually drink alcohol?" I ask.

"Yeah, but you don't have to. Richie will probably try to get you to though" Ben says.

"I don't. Bev and Richie smoke cigarettes. Sometimes weed with Bill" Stan says sitting down in a chair next to the couch.

"Weed?!" I exclaim.

"What? What's the problem?" Bev asks.

"You're 16!"

"It helps with shit"

"Whatever. The cigarettes will kill you though plus they're gross"

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it"

"I am not trying it" I huff. She shrugs and goes on her phone. I see everyone else is doing their own thing so I go on my phone and see I have a text from Bear.

Bear: how ya doing? listen to my advice?
Me: I'm ok I think. I'm kinda sticking with one guy but he's not here right now so I'm sitting awkwardly on the couch
Bear: Oh. Well I'll stick with u until he gets back
Me: ur not here either tho?

Bear: I can still text u
Me: true

Bear: So I have an idea for THE ULTIMATE IDENTITY REVEAL

Me: what is it? I thought we were just gonna send pics and our name?
Bear: No! That's too easy plus you could send me a pic of 16 years old but really be like 100
Me: fine. whats ur idea?
Bear: We meet in person. In a public place like a diner or something
Me: ok

Bear: 2 weeks 3 days
Me: So we're meeting on a Tuesday?
Bear: well we could rn

Me: Nope. We will meet in 2 weeks and 3 days. like agreed.

Bear: ugh fine

Beverly's POV

Bill: he's making me drive so he can text
Me: So y r u texting?
Bill: red light
Me: Oh. Eddie's texting too. they're probably texting each other
Bill: they'll probably be texting each other all night and not even realize it
Me: probably

Bill: I have a question
Me: I might have an answer
Bill: Remember how Stan was talking about how he likes someone the other day?
Me: Yeah, why?
Bill: I need help figuring out who it is

Me: why?
Bill: no reason. just curious
Me: or....you like him!

Bill: what?! No!

Bill: I DO NOT

Bill: please don't tell anyone else, Bev. I'm not ready

Me: Ok but we all love you, Bill, no matter what. I mean probably not Eddie cus we met him like 3 weeks ago but I'm like 99.99% sure he's gay

Bill: what's the .1%
Me: Bi
Bill: Nah he doesn't like girls

Me: how do u know

Bill: I just do. Call it a gaydar or something

Me: lol ok. I gtg

Bill: k. try to find out who Stan likes SO I CAN DESTROY THEM

Me: mkay...

"Stanley! Who's the person you like?!" I ask. His head shoots up from his phone and he starts blushing like crazy.

"W-what?" he asks.

"Girl, boy? Older, younger, same age? Name?" I ask.

"Um...I uh....bathroom" he says and leaves the room.

"Well, that didn't work" I mumble.

"You probably know them" Eddie says.

"How do you know?" Mike asks.

"His reaction"

"He might just be embarrassed or the question shocked him"

"Maybe but I used to be friends with this guy, like really close. I liked him a lot and when people would ask me who my crush was I would react like Stan did"

"Him?" Mike and Ben ask.

"Yeah. You guys know I'm gay right?" Eddie asks.

"Well know we do," they say.

"Bill and I knew" I say.


"What happened after you told him?" Ben asks.

"He told the whole school. It wasn't a very accepting place. It got so bad that I moved to Derry"

"What did they do?" Mike asks.

"I heard homophobic slurs everywhere I went. Got beat up a few times" Eddie shrugs.

"I want names," I say.

"What?" he asks.

"I want names of the people who hurt my child. Especially the friend you liked"

"You're child?"

"Yes, Eddie, my child"

"Just go with it," Ben says.

"I'm gonna go see if Stan's okay," Eddie says and gets up to find Stan.

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