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Bill's POV

"Hey, Bill" Georgie says coming into my room. Stan and I are currently watching a movie together on my bed .

"H-hey G-G-Georgie. What's up?" I ask.

"Oh, hey, Stan" he says.

"Hey" Stan says.

"You've both had girlfriends, right?" Georgie asks.

"Um...y-yeah" I say looking over at Stan.

"Or boyfriends. I don't judge" he says quickly. I guess he noticed how uncomfortable Stan looks.

"We've both dated people" Stan says.

"Okay good. I need advice" 


"How to tell a girl you like them. How did you do it?"

"The l-last time I t-told someone I c-c-couldn't find the w-words to s-s-say so I just k-kissed him"

"Was it Stan?" he asks. I look over at Stan and see he's trying to hide a smile.

"Yeah" I say.

"It's about time. So, I just have to kiss her?" he asks.

"W-well, your t-ten s-so no. J-just tell her you th-think she's p-p-pretty" I say.

"Okay. Thanks!" he says and leaves.

"I thought you didn't want to tell your family yet?" Stan asks.

"I don't w-want to tell my puh-parents yet. G-G-G-Georgie's different" I say.


"I-Is it okay that I t-told him?"

"Yeah, of course"



Eddie's POV

Bear: go on a date with me

Me: Richie Tozier asking someone on a date? Is the world ending?
Bear: ha ha very funny. i'm serious, eds
Me: stop calling me that and maybe i will

Bear: u love it, u just won't admit it
Me: when and where?
Bear: what?

Me: the date, dipshit, when and where
Bear: i didn't think u would say yes......Saturday, 7pm, it's a surprise
Me: surprise or u dont know yet?

Bear: shut up
Me: y didn't u think i'd say yes?
Bear: idk
Me: i didn't make out with you for no reason
Bear: ik. u wanted it to go further but i had to put a stop to it. someone has to be responsible 

Me: wtf r u even talking about it? ur not making any sense
Bear: i gtg. i'll text u tonight spaghetti 

Me: ew
Bear: spaghedward  
Me: stooooop
Bear: eddie spaghetti

Me: i'm gonna fucking block u, Richard

Bear: noooo! 

Me: bye
Bear: goodbye my precious eds! 
Me: i'm gonna vomit on ur face


Me: Beverly!
Bev: yes?

Me: I'm going on a date with Richie!
Bev: r u serious?! yay! when?! where?! i need details!

Me: Saturday and he doesn't know yet
Bev: my baby is growing up!
Me: I'm 16, Bev...

Bev: ik. ur point?
Me: i'm not a baby
Bev: but ur so small!
Me: shut up

Bev: 1 min, Richie's texting me
Me: k

Bev's POV

Trashmouth: Bevvvvvvvv

Bev: whaaaaat

Trashmouth: I NEED U

Bev: with?
Trashmouth: Eddie and I r going on a date and it needs to be perfect

Bev: how am i supposed to help?
Bev: take him to a fancy restaurant, try to resist making stupid jokes, and remember ur in public
Trashmouth: k thx
Bev: np

I put down my phone and start on some homework but quickly become bored so I go to the group chat Richie made with all of us.

Me: I'm bored
Staniel: Same
Big Bill: I am right next to u, Stan

Staniel: i know

Haystack: wanna go to the quarry or the barrens or something?
Spaghetti Boi: why has no one changed the stupid nicknames richie set for us?

Trashmouth: they aren't stupid eds
Spaghetti Boi: ugh stop calling me that

Mikey: yes, richie, they r

Big Bill: anyone going to the quarry with Ben and I?
Staniel: yes
Spaghetti Boi: sure
Trashmouth: i wouldn't miss a chance to see Eds cute little face, now would i?
Eds: *middle finger emoji*

Mikey: yeah

Me: yes

I get up and try to leave the house but my dad steps in the way.

"Where are you going, Beverly?" he asks.

"I was just gonna work on an English assignment with Stan and Bill," I say nervously.

"Were you gonna ask or just leave again?"

"I was on my way to ask you"

"Were you really?" he asks putting his hand on my waist.

"Yes. Can I please go? It's really important that I get it done" I say trying to move out of his grip.

"What if I want to spend some time with you, Bevvie?"

"Please, it's important"

"Fine but be back before ten"

"Okay. Thank you" I say. I start walking away but he grabs me from behind and puts his large hands over my chest.

"If I found out you did anything with those boys, you'll be in a world of trouble. You're my girl" he whispers and bites my ear, tugging on it before letting me go. I run out to my bike and ride as fast as I can to the quarry. I want to see the boys as soon as possible. When I get there I see Stan, Bill, Richie, and Eddie are already there.

"Hey, Bev-are you okay?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine" I say wiping the tears from my face.

"What happened?" Richie asks.

"Do you guys ever think about just running away? Right now, that sounds like the best fucking idea I've ever come up with" I say sitting next to Richie.

"D-did your dad do sss-s-something again?" Bill asks. I nod slowly. As soon as Richie saw my answer he threw his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Stan asks.

"Not right now," I say.

"What's going on?" Eddie asks. I forgot he doesn't know.

"Richie will explain it to you later" 


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