(Finale 21)

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Eddie's been here for two weeks and his mom still hasn't tried to get him back. Not that I want her to I just expected a fight I guess. My mom got him into counseling, I don't know how she did that without Sonia. Mike got a girlfriend last week, her name's Amberlee. She's nice, I haven't really talked to her that much. The sleepover the other week was something all of us needed. It was just the seven of us hanging out and not having to deal with any of the shit that's been going on.

We're all hanging out at the quarry right now. Ben, Mike, and Bill are splashing in the water while Bev, Stan, Eddie and I are on the shore watching them. Eddie is laying down with his head in my lap and his eyes closed to block out the sun.

"We're already halfway through summer" Bev complains. 

"Ew. I'd rather not" Eddie says.

"One year to go" I sigh.

"At least we'll have something to do" Stan says.

"Homework and waking up at 6am? Sounds fun" I say sarcastically.

"Having to wake up early must be absolutely terrible for you. Poor Richie won't be able to have sex with his boyfriend all night" he says. Eddie tenses up and his breath hitches so Stan quickly apologizes. Eddie still doesn't do very good at the thought of having sex. 

"N-no! P-put me d-down!" he hear Bill yell. We look over just in time to see Mike throw Bill into the water and Bill let out a high pitched scream.

"You're boyfriend screams like a girl" Bev states.

"Yeah but he's cute" Stan shrugs.

"Mines cuter" I say.

"Nope. Mine is" Bev says.

"Really? Wanna bet?" Stan asks.

"Yeah. I do" I say.

"I'm gonna win" Bev says.

"Guys! Come here!" Stan yells. The boys get out of the water and walk over to us.

"What?" Ben asks.

"Mike, who's boyfriend do you think is the cutest?" Stan asks.

"Are you serious?" Mike asks.


"Ok well um....Eddie is really small and he looks adorable right now, Bill's stutter can be cute and he blushes really easily, and Ben is overall like a cute little puppy so I'm gonna go with.......all of you"

"Unacceptable. Choose one" I say.

"Ok fine! Amberlee" he says.

"Have you not seen Bill's face?!" Stan asks.

"Have you met Ben?" Bev asks.

"Look at this little smol bean. He wins" I say gesturing to Eddie.

"I want to delete myself" Eddie mumbles.

"If you do that I'll be sad" I lean down and kiss his lips. 

"I know you said I had to pick a person but I'm picking a couple. Reddie is the cutest" Mike says.

What Mike says causes an argument about who the cutest relationship is. Of course everyone thinks it's theirs. It's nice to have a day like this. It feels like everything is going back to normal. This is the first time in awhile everyone has been happy. What happened to Eddie really messed with everyone but looking around at my friends and my gorgeous boyfriend I only see playful bickering and smiling faces. 

"Richie, we're gonna go swimming. You coming?" Eddie holds out his hand, breaking me out of my daze.

"Yeah, sure" I say and take hold of his hand.


Direct Messages is over! Sorry if the ending sucked but I really wanted to end it on a good note. If you read Closet Case or read the messages I post on my message board then you'll know that I said after this would be a One Direction fic then an original, change of plans! I had a hard time sticking to the persons personalty in the 1D fic so I'm gonna be doing something like that except with original characters. It will still be about a girl becoming the step-sister of one of her favorite singers who is in a band and falls in love with one of his band mates. The original about the girls who get kidnapped may or may not happen, I'm not sure about it. I have a lot of ideas but half of them never make it to be written or published so I should probably stop making promises....

Anyway thank you to everyone who read this! I love you all! Bye! I hope you read my other books and enjoy them!

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