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The day went by fast with all of us at home , Getting everyone dressed and ready to go to dinner with Papa and Nana, was a little hectic Kayleigh had a meltdown mid way through dressing , Dylan saved the day he came in and calmed her down and finished getting her dressed for me . I went and got the triplets dressed they only wiggled and giggled as I did .
Porter came in and scooped them all up and told me to go get ready so off I went to shower and shave.
Oh the wonderful feeling of hot water felt good on my body .

Once done I went to join Porter in the living room with the kids who were currently in sitting on the floor watching TV he had it on Ghost Asylum and every time they would see the guys they would point and half way say their names I stoped before I walked in and saw that Porter was filming them saying names and pointing.
I made my way farther into the living room after he had ended filming them
I smiled at him and sat down beside him , laying my hand on his leg , he squeezed it

You look beautiful Allie
Why thank you My Sweet soon to be husband and you look handsome as always
Hmm are you hitting on me

I let out a laugh at his expression when I said that. He leaned in and kissed me our tongues danced for a few moments before we heard Dylan coming down the hallway.

When we left for dinner at Prince Street Pizza , Dylan had two suitcases , Porter grabbed them and put them in the back of the Tahoe . I was going to ask but Asher started to fuss so I had to calm him down . As we drove there I got a texted from April wanting to know about what time to come get Dylan and Kayleigh . Then it registers in my brain that April is taking them two for the night . I wonder who has the triplets for the night. I told April that we were going to dinner with Papa and Nana and she replied I'll come get them from there then

As we pulled into the parking lot Porter gets a text. He parks and then responds to the text as I get the kids out I was lifting Asher out of his seat when he squeals Oogie Oogie
I turned around and there was Nicole and Doogie . Doogie took Asher from me

Go ahead and get the rest out I want my snuggles from my niece and nephews  Nicole said
Okay okay I'm working on it I said with a laugh
I got Charlie out next handed her to Nicole then got Mikey out .

Kayleigh was next out she took Doogie' s Hand , Dylan got out on his own waiting for the rest of us at the front of the Tahoe.

Y'all joining us for dinner  I asked
Yes we are Papa and Nana called us Nicole said
Cool I can use all the help I can get wrangling these monkeys
Mama I no Monkey Kayleigh said
All of us chuckled
We headed in to find Nana and Papa I knew they were already here I saw the truck . We went in and saw them so Kayleigh and Dylan went running over to them getting hugs from both of them

I had Mikey , Doogie had Asher and Nicole had Charlie. There three high chairs for the triplets. But before they went into them they got hugs and kisses from Nana and Papa .
We ordered pizzas and I had some food for the kids to eat if they didn't want the pizza since they have been trying different foods for about 2 months now and doing really well with it .
We discussed the upcoming wedding and what was left to do . We only had two weeks until the wedding . The only two things that needed to be done was the suites which they were doing tomorrow and setting up the backyard with the tables and chairs . I was having it catered with finger foods like chicken fingers , bbq sliders , several veggie trays, tater tots , and of course the wedding cake. The cater had a few other things they were going to add to the menu because Nana wanted them.

As we ate dinner Charlie was fussing a lot so I picked her up and held her to calm her down she seemed a little warm to me
Daddy I think Charlie isn't feeling well she seems a little warm to me
Let me feel he said as he reaches over and placed his hand on her head
Yeah she seems want do you have Tylenol with you
Of course never leave Home with out it
Is it in the bag Nicole asked
Yes in the front left outside pocket
I gave her a dose after Nicole gave me it .
Charlie settled down about 15 minutes later she had fallen  asleep .

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