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I woke up about 5:30 that evening , it had started to sleet . I could here the pinging off the windows
I got up and went down the hallway to find everyone it was rather quite in the house
I found them , Porter, Dylan and Kayleigh all snuggled on the couch watching a movie
Hey your up
Yes I am I said as slid in next to him
How you feel now
Alright my stomach is a little queasy
How are you feeling Dylan
Better Allie he said
Good , what's the plan for the next few days since Christmas is in 3 days
Well the only thing we have is the Christmas play and then Christmas dinner at Nana &Pa
Alright sounds  good
I got a text as we were talking from April
Hey boo you gonna make your cakes and pies this year
I haven't even got anything to make them
Well I went and got everything since you left the recipes here and figured we could make them together like the last few years
Sure come on over and you can stay the night since the wether might bet bad
I'm already in the driveway
Ha hahahaha
What are laughing at Porter asked
April is in the driveway she wants to make some cakes and pies for Christmas like we have done over the past few years
Sounds like a lot of fun
It is let me go help her in I said as I went out to her

A few trips later everything was inside and set out
What are you making Allie Dylan asked
Well looks like a pound cake , one chocolate chess pie and pumpkin bars
Yep April said
Oh boy that sounds so good Dylan said
Ha they are you want to help us Dylan I asked
Sure he was eager to help us
We gave him several different task to complete and he did really good at it
He helped April with the mixing and setting the timer
In between making the desserts I took some of Porter's Chili out defrosted it and heated it up along with some corn bread sticks
We ate dinner, Kayleigh was content in her swing her uncle Chasey got her. She was watching all of us

We had a lot of fun baking together all of us
Porter would test taste here and there
They all wanted to get into the Chocolate Chess Pie
No no you little monkeys this has to finish setting up we can have it on Christmas
Oh man April Said
I laughed at her she sounded so much like Dylan

April stayed the night with us the sleet was coming down hard and the roads were getting slick
Porter took Kayleigh for her bath and ready for bed
This is their time together
April and I cleaned up the kitchen
Everyone was ready for bed but me I had some Christmas wrapping I need to get done so I did that up until around 1 in the morning, that's when Porter came in and said you still up
Yes I am
Come to bed I'll help you fall asleep
I smiled what if I don't want to sleep
Hmmmmm I can do that too he said with a sweet smile.

Christmas Morning Dylan had us up at 6 am which wasn't too bad since Kayleigh was up shortly after he got up
Allie Allie I heard from the side of the bed
Yes Dylan
It's Christmas come on let's go see what Santa brought
Dylan went to the other side of the bed
Daddy Daddy wake up it's Christmas
Yes D it is
Come let's go see what Santa brought
Okay D
Both Porter and I got up , I put my slippers on it was a little cool in the house
We walked into the living room
Wow Dylan said
He went from package to package
Finally settling on one to open
He was busy opening gifts Porter was taking pictures
Kayleigh woke up fussing so I went to her got her up changed her and a got her a bottle then returned to the living room
Allie here is a gift for Kayleigh Dylan handed me a small bag
I read the tag it was From Mike
When did he drop this off I asked
The other day when you were at work
Open it Dylan and Porter both said
Alright I will so I did
It was a cute dress, tights, little shoes and a hair band
Awe he did really good on the outfit it's so cute I said
He picked it out all by himself Porter said
Kayleigh your Uncle Mike has great taste
Okay D keep opening gifts I said
He went and opened more
Porter and I exchanged gifts
I got him a really nice dress shirt for Church, a couple of boxes of shells . I also got him a new cross necklace to replace the one that broke and it couldn't be fixed
He got me a new pair of scrubs , a gift certificate for a massage and nails
Kayleigh had a few gifts of her own that we let Dylan open
After we opened gifts, Dylan and I cleaned up while Porter and Kayleigh made breakfast
We had to get to church by 11 for service and then after wards we are to go to Nana and Pa's

Church service was wonderful
Kayleigh spent most of her time with her Pa
Dylan was with a group of children that were preforming
After Church we left ran by the house need to replenish the diaper bag and grab the Pie then we headed over to Nana's
Kayleigh went down for a Nap , Dylan did too
Getting up at 6 was rather early
We watched football and just had Family time
We had an early dinner Dylan need to be back with his Mom at 5
We ate and ate it was so good .
As we finished up we talked about the future
His Dad asked if I had sold the house yet
No I still need to fix the other garage before I can sell it
You did a lot of work to that house
Yes I did it was more therapeutic than anything it helped me deal with my anger I got to break things and not have to worry about the repercussions
Ha that's a good way to put it
Allie Allie Allie , Dylan came running into the kitchen
Yes honey
I don't feel good again
I put my hand in his head
Yeah you are a little warm , come sit in my lap I said
He climbed up and snuggled down
He sat in my lap as we talked

It was getting close to time to take Dylan back to his Mom's
Okay D get your stuff together it's getting close to time leave Porter told him
He wasn't too happy about it until I told him get gets to have Christmas again at with his Mom then he was a little more excited
Porter took him and his gifts home while Kayleigh and I stayed at his parents

Kayleigh woke up and was hungry
Here let me Pa said
Sure I Said as I handed him the bottle and sip up rag
He took her to the living room sat down and feed her

She was content in her grandpas arms
So Miss Allie , have you and Scott talked about marriage yet since y'all are doing things backward he asked
Yes we have Pa
So what's the hold up he asked
I'm not sure and I'm not going to rush it Scott Is everything to me he has shown me what love is
He smiled just like Porter
Well y'all need to get married soon cause I have a feeling the family is gonna grow again
I looked at him like he was crazy
Now what would give you that Idea I asked
Just a hunch he said
Porter walked in looked at both of us
He cocked his eyebrow
Now what did you say Dad
I said that y'all might be he stopped and looked at both of us
Oh nothing Allie can tell you later what I said
Here Take my little Angel he handed Kayleigh to me and kissed my cheek and whispered you are a wonderful woman I would be happy to call you my daughter in law one day
I smiled and said thank you Pa I love you

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