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After we ate , we got the mics put back on I laughed when the guy was doing mine cause he kept hitting a ticklish spot and the third time he did it on purpose cause he started to laugh even more so I hit him with my hand not hard but enough for him to start laughing even harder

"Andy knock it off" I said

"What "he said with a look that was saying I'm not doing anything

"Boy you are gonna get hurt "I said

He stuck his tongue out at me
I laughed at him
"What's going on over there "Chris asked

"Oh someone is being very mischievous"

"Who you Allie "Chris said back

"No not me Andy is he keeps tickling me "
Then these two massive arms came around me and started to tickle me I was screaming laughing at the same time
I was wiggling trying to get out of the hold
"You keep wiggling like that something might pop up " now that got me to laugh even more
It was Doogie who had me
By the time he finally let me go I had tears in my eyes

Porter came over and just shook his head at us and smiled
"Y'all need to behave "

"Yes Dad "we all said at the same time

Porter shook his head again at us

It was 2 minutes until show time was hollered

This was when I started to get nervous
As we gathered around the back of the trucks
There were a couple of jokes cracked that made me relax a little .
It was go time

"So gentleman and lady let's divide and conquer this place tonight find the hot spots
Doogie , you and Allie head up to the sixth floor of the first building
Porter , Chasey y'all head to the third floor second building
Mike , Brannon and myself will head to the second building fourth floor
Well there is one last thing to do let's bring it in for a fist bump
Mike you say the blessing " Chris said

We wrapped arms around each others shoulders well mine went to the waist since I'm so much shorter than them

Off to the Sixth floor we went the climb this time wasn't as bad
Once there we set up in the hallway with a grid line to catch any shadows , periscope and and emf detector.
We did an evp session too getting several responses on the emf

"Doogie "

Yes "

"Look down the hallway to the left a couple of the grid lines are being blocked out "

I see it "

We kept our eyes focused on it then it was gone
"Let's walk down to where we saw it "Doogie said

So we did as we got closer we both heard someone crying
"Do you hear that "Doogie asked me

"Yeah I did Doogie that was a child crying it sounded like it was coming from That room "
I pointed to the room that was Three doors down from where we were standing

We walked down to the room nothing was in the room but a chair and a little rag doll
Doogie took the emf detector around the room when he went by the doll it registers
Both of us looked at each other

"That should not happen"
"No it shouldn't"

"Let's leave it and find the room number so we can come back "

It was room 629

We went back out in the hallway the air in the hallway was thick
"Doogie the air feels thick" I said

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