39. The Fleet- Ben POV

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I woke up probably an hour before Rey did. I layed there with my eyes open, on the black pillows and under the black blanket that I took from my old sleeping quarters.

Rey rolled over and stretched, turning to face me, with her eyes barely open.

"Good morning, Ben," she whispered. She looked around the throne room and giggled. "We're still here."

"Yes, we are."

"Ben," she said, "The fleet. The rest of this fleet of star destroyers. You're going to need to order them to go somewhere."

"Uggghhh," I groaned, rolling backwards. "Why?"

"Hux is going to begin to get suspicious. Or at least start to make plans on his own."

"He wouldn't dare," I scowled.

"Come on, Ben. I think he would."

I couldn't even argue with Rey anymore. I knew she was right. That slimy Hux would do anything to look better than me.

"I don't see what I'm supposed to do considering we're not attacking the Resistance," I said. "What are we supposed to do... Find another base for the First Order?"

"Maybe that is what you have to do," said Rey. "Remember the old Rebel base on Crait? Maybe we could go there to stabilize the First Order."

I didn't have a better plan. But I surely needed to make an action.

"I'll alert the pilots. We're going back to Crait."

"Thank you," Rey whispered, scooting towards me and hugging me.

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