18. Connection- Leia POV

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I was standing there in the Resistance base, packing up for our transport to Naboo. I had to make sure that we stayed out of the First Order's radar.

But suddenly, I felt a powerful connection in the force, that I recognized more than any in the galaxy.

I closed my eyes and felt the force flow through me. When I opened them, I saw my son's face. He had tears in his eyes, and he was sitting in and abandoned ship here on Jakku.

"Ben..." I said.

Echoing from yards or even miles away, I heard his voice.


But the connection was cut off when I felt Rey's presence close by. I looked to my left, and from afar, I saw her hugging Rose. Or, rather, Rose hugging her.

"It will all work out, Rey," Rose said. "It always does."

I walked over to both of them.

"You've heard about Naboo?" I asked, looking at Rey's teary eyes.

She nodded.

"I will be ready," she said quietly.

I turned to Rose.

"Check on Finn and Poe, and make sure they're in line, Rose. I can count on you to keep everyone level-headed."

"Right away, General Organa," she said with a smile, patting Rey's shoulder before she ran off.

Now it was just Rey and I. I felt her pain.

"Rey..." I said.


I pointed towards the ship in the distant sand that I knew my son was in. I didn't have to use any words to communicate what I had to say to her. I can thank the Force for that. We just looked each other in the eyes for a moment, and with a knowing nod, I watched Rey sprint through the desert.

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