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The moon beams at Jennie's sight, it looks like a pearl in the middle of a deep abyss. The stars shine and they sparkle on her eyes.

Jennie smiles, looking at her window; with a book on her hand.

It's eleven forty-five pm. Times like this, she likes to sneak out and read at the tree where she met Yoongi.

It soothes her heart and mends it. Leaning on the same tree as the nausea takes over her mind, body, heart, and soul.

This became her hobby. Her mother, Soohyun, didn't know about Jennie sneaking out every night.

Jennie's slippered-feet collide with the grass. She looks at her house once again, "Sorry mom." She giggles, walking at the pavement whilst humming a song.

Once the female reaches her destination, she sits on the chaste grass, then leans on the tree. Jennie heaves a deep sigh. The wind is softly streaming its string whilst the crickets chirp creating a soft eerie sound.

This is seriously a calming moment. She thinks.

Jennie opens her book. She starts reading and digesting every word her mind receives.

Her favorite scene is happening on the book and she squeals a little as the anticipation whispers on her heart. "Omo, he's seriously going to kiss he―"

She stops. A sob can be heard. Loud sobs.

Jennie's eyebrows furrow, she closes her book and looks around and no one is there.

Goosebumps rose on her skin. Scary thoughts fill her brain.

What if it's a white lady?

A ghost? O-or worst?


Jennie shudders, she wishes that she could just disappear right this instance. She gulps, breathing loudly.

"I-Is anyone there?"

No one answers instead,

Shuffling of grass, clearing of throat, and a sigh began to fill the noise.

"S-Sorry." Jennie's eyes widen.

It's a male, his voice is deep and calm.

The unknown male sniffs indicating that he's still crying. "Y-You're not a v-vampire?" Jennie stutters. "N-No?" The male assures her, thinking how stupid Jennie can be.

That seems to calm Jennie. "Phew!" She sighs in relief.

"S-Sorry again I―"

"Don't say sorry,"

Taehyung on the other side of the tree, widens his eyes at the stranger's soft voice. He bites his lips, trying to respond to her but she asks a question that startles him.

"Why are you crying?"

Should he answer? She's a complete stranger. A person who will just come and go. A temporary person on his mind... now why would he answer her?

Taehyung shouldn't.

but he did.

"Thinking about someone," he simply states. Jennie places her book down, "I'm sorry for asking this, but ah..." she pauses, fidgeting. "Who's that person?"

Three minutes have passed and Taehyung did not answer. Jennie is questioning herself if he's still there. "Did he leave?" She whispers to the wind.

Jennie is about to peek on the other side of the tree, when he suddenly talks.

"It's about someone that I loved ever since i was a child."

Jennie somehow, listens. Listening to a complete stranger.

"She's so beautiful, so ethereal." Jennie smiles as he describes the girl as if he's so in love.

Is he?

"But," the female frowns, "But what?"

"She doesn't love me back."

Ouch. She thought.

Jennie can relate to his rants. His feelings.

She's so sorry for him, for the both of them.

They're broken. Too broken. With no one to lean onto. Like this tree that seperates them it listens to their stories.

A sob can be heard again, his breath is shortening, until those sobs wail into a cry. Jennie can't help but to feel worried.

He has been in love with that girl for years, yet the girl doesn't even know a thing or two about his feelings.

"You know what?" Jennie asks. Taehyung calms himself down by patting his aching heart, he sniffs asking, "What?"

Jennie smiles bitterly, looking at the moon. "I suffer from that kind of love too, that oh-so-called one sided love," she laughs dryly then sighs.

"I met this guy at this same tree, we talked and somehow, I, I fell in love,"

"And I guess i'm the only one."

Taehyung feels his heart clenching once again. It beats too fast, too fast for a normal person.

"Isn't it hard?" Taehyung's brows furrow at her question.

"What is?"

"Loving someone that is so close yet so far at the same time?"

Taehyung's eyes soften his tears slowly slipping down his cheeks again and again.

Why is he so weak? He has known Jisoo for a long time. He has loved her.

Why can't he just confess? It's simple to say those three words.

I love you, Kim Jisoo.

Simple yet so hard.

"Loving someone that you will never have?"

Jennie wipes the tears that are falling on her cheeks. Her mind is revolving around one person.

Min Yoongi.

God, she would spend her whole life hoping that he will feel the same way too.

It's a dumb thing to think that he will look at her the way he will look at someone he likes.

Their story is too cliche.

"Like you can't stop dreaming about them? Thinking what if," Jennie sighs, "What if they like you back?"

"Will they shower you with kisses?"

Both of them are concealed by an imagination. A trapped destiny and fate.

What did they do to suffer so much?

Jennie waited for so long.

Taehyung loved for so long.

Isn't that enough?

"Will their hearts beat fast?"

For them to like them back?

No? No.

"Like you thought you were meant to be? But sadly, you two were just played by destiny?"

Taehyung closes his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore. With his hand on his chest, he opens his eyes and stands up.

"I-I have to go bye!" He runs away. With a heavy heart.

Jennie on the other side is stunned. Her tears falling one by one. She slowly crawls on the other side of the tree, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, stranger."

author's :
so much angst for a chapter : (

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