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Jennie bites the cap of her pink pen whilst staring at the notes on the board. She eagerly writes down the scribbling words from it then down on her pad; her hands are getting sweatier every minute. Chamji glances at her friend from the left side, snickering. "You're going fast, eager to go home?"

"Yes, Cham. I need to visit someone." Jennie says, still focusing on the notes. Hyeri, on Jennie's right side, leans closer to her, whispering. "And who will you visit, hm?" Jennie groans, rolling her eyes. "Would you two stop bothering me? I need to finish this fast."

Chamji smirks. "Why don't you tell us who will you visit? Is that person a secret affair?" Hyeri gasps. "Oh my god! Don't tell me you're cheating with Taehyung!" The older wipes her fake tears, weeping dramatically. "I totally ship you two, #taennieforever." Jennie widens her eyes, "Hashtag wha─" and is cut off by Chamji.

"Hyeri, stop overreacting." Chamji warns then looks at Jennie. "But seriously tho, are you cheating with Taehyung? Please don't let my cult fall down." Chamji sniffs, exaggerating. Jennie draws her eyebrows together. "What cult?" Chamji scoffs, "The Taennie / Kim Taehyung X Kim Jennie lovers cult."

Jennie nearly chokes on her own saliva, dropping her pen on her desk. "M-Mwo?!" (What?) Hyeri giggles, raising her hand a little. "I am the president there." Chamji puffs her cheeks, "And i'm the vice presiden!" Jennie looks at her friends in disbelief. "You two are not serious, right?"

Chamji clicks her tongue. "We're damn serious, Jennie. I already made Lyfie over there the secretary." Chamji points at a girl who is sitting at the front, with curly locks and russet eyes. Jennie follows the direction at where she is pointing then back at Chamji.

What the fu...ck?

"So don't you dare cheat on Kim Taehyung or i'll kick your ass." Chamji continues. Hyeri butts in, "Uhuh! And plus! You can never find another cult that is much cuter than taennie."

Jennie facepalms herself, sighing. "I am seriously questioning why I talked to you two in the first place." Hyeri snickers, "Because you're lonely that time." Chamji hums, "Yup! I can still remember how you tried to act cute in front of us just so you can befriend us and when we did, you got too excited you far─" Jennie covers Chamji's mouth. "Okay, I get it. I get it. Now shut the fuck up!" Chamji churtles before nodding her head. "Good." Jennie sighs audibly, removing her hand.

"You farted." Chamji continues her broken sentence and laughs loudly along with Hyeri. Jennie blushes in embarassment, throwing a piece of paper at Chamji. "Fucking shut up! Who doesn't fart?" Hyeri runs out of breath as she responds. "All people fart but not because of excitement!" Chamji cackles to death after hearing Hyeri's words. Jennie shakes her head in disappoinment. "I hate you two."

"We love you too." Chamji and Hyeri say in unison, calming down after a few minutes of laughing. Jennie sighs, "Anyway, whatever it is you two are thinking about me cheating with Taehyung, I am not. Besides, we're not together."

"Are you sure?" Hyeri teases, poking Jennie's sides. Jennie smiles a little. "Yes!" Chamji, this time, copies Hyeri's action. "Are you sure?" Jennie blushes, "Stop it! I said yes!" The two girls did not buy Jennie's answer so, they both pock her side, teasing her even more.

"Are you sure?" The two sing. Jennie tries to hide her smile but it's no use. Hence, she stops the two by saying, "Fine! We're still not officially together, but we'll get there."

"I knew it!" Hyeri screeches which results pain on Jennie's right ear. "Oh God, you two are out of this world." She chuckles a little, clearing her throat after. "As I have said, Taehyung needs me because of some personal issues about his health and his now in the hospital." Jennie watches how Chamji and Hyeri's eyebrow cease in shock. She waits until the two settle themselves down. "Wait, so what happened?" Chamji curiously asks.

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