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Jennie plops on her bed.

It's four am and she woke up too early, so here she is, bathe and in her uniform. Thoughts of nothing are bugging her and whispering on her ears.

She's overthinking.

Her eyes divert from her window, the moon is hovering the stars, the clouds are visible, the sun is almost shining.

She remembers when Taehyung sneaks in her house, she chuckles. "Aish jinja? He really did that?" Jennie lets out a tsk, then her mind replays the moment where Yoongi cornered her on the wall.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jennie can feel her heart coming out of her chest. His scent is surrounding her nose, tickling it. His eyes were unpredictable yet so gorgeous at the same time.

Jennie sighs. Stands up. And walks over to her closet. Alone on that space, stood a pink box.

When Jennie was just five, Jennie started to collect memories. That way, she won't be able to forget about everything.

But she did.

The last time she opened it was when Yoongi and her first met (or sometimes when she wants to see yoongi's pictures)

And she didn't regret not opening it, ever again.

"How are you, memories? Are you okay? Did you miss me?" She chuckles as she's talking to herself.

Jennie slowly closes the closet. She walks over to her bedroom door and went downstairs to get some strawberries for her breakfast.


Jennie grabs some books on her locker, it's her science subject. Which means, she will meet Taehyung. The female closes her locker and walks down the corridor.

"Jennie." A certain voice calls for her. She hastily turns around and her eyes widen.


The said girl smirks walking closer to her. "Well hi there, good morning."

"G-Good morning," Jennie bows her head as a sign of respect. Jisoo smiles at the girl sweetly, the other returns the gesture unsure of what to happen next. "I love it when you smile at me." Jisoo says as the younger blushes, "Really?"

The older nods her head walking closer to Jennie. her sweet smile falls down to an uneven smirk.

"But I do hate it when you're very close to someone you aren't supposed to be close with."

Jennie furrows her eyebrows, "What?"

Jisoo twirls the younger's soft hair. "You know what I mean." Jennie gulps as she feels the older's slender and cold fingers on her soft brown hair, "If you make one wrong move," Jisoo then pulls her hair lightly, Jennie gasps in suprise. "I dare you."

With that Jisoo pulls Jennie away from her with a great force that she falls down.

Jennie groans as she falls on her butt, she glares at the deceitful girl. The people around them give Jisoo a questionable look. "What? Didn't you see she fall down by herself?" Jisoo reasons out. The students look down; afraid of the girl.

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