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so basically this chapter is all about taehyung's feelings on the last chapter called strawberries and cigarettes please do vote and enjoy : ))) ps. i recommend you to listen to bts' blanket kick because that explain taehyung's feelings on this chapter. enjoy!


"Uhuh," Taehyung stuffs some tteokboki in his mouth then rolls his eyes. "He is so princely I just wanna fucking―" he hears a sigh on the other line. "Hold him," Jisoo proceeds.

Kim Taehyung is once again listening to Kim Jisoo's annoying rants about Min Yoongi.

This suppose to matter Taehyung (a lot) but somehow right now, he doesn't bother to care.

All the boy could think about is how neglected he felt on the bus stop and Jennie.

How it pissed him off seeing Min yoongi and her, not even realizing he's just right there and Jennie.

And most importantly how fucking loud the rain was and of course Jennie.

Taehyung groans, dropping his plate on the dishwasher. "Are you even listening?" Jisoo asks with a lace of confusion in her voice. He freezes, holding his phone whilst nervously laughing. "Y-Yes Jichu, I-I―" he clears his throat, "I just don't feel good."

Jisoo on the other line pouts and sighs, "Alright see you tomorrow, I guess," a pause, "Bye." Jisoo ended the call.

Now Taehyung feels guilty.

He groans for the nth time before stomping upstairs on his room, then plops on his bed groaning, again.

Pretty, big, brown eyes covered by those glasses.

"Oh no." Taehyung stares at the ceiling gulping. The moon is brighter than usual, what the hell is happening?

Brown, long hair.

"Holy―" he gulps, shaking his head frantically. "Fuck think about Jisoo h-her hair and her smile and her fucking―"

Gummy smiles.

He tosses a pillow on his face.


"Are you okay?"

"Hi V, i'm Jendeuk."

"Can you scootch?"

"What the fuck is that name?"

"I'm Jennie by the way."

"What's your name?"

"Isn't it hard V? when you thought you were meant to be, but sadly, you're played by destiny?"

"Min yoongi."

Taehyung groans, his feelings are suffocating him too much. He sits up and kicks his pillow out of frustration.

Why do I feel like this? He asks himself for the nth time.

The male holds his chest, "Why is this happening?" His eyes then advert on his closet. His jacket is hanging loosely on his rack, his sweatpants showing, his closet is telling him something.

And he's not gonna like it.


Taehyung shivers. The jacket that he wore is not enough to cover him from the adrenaline of coldness. He walks through the pavement, the soft hums of the wind stutters on his ears and kisses his skin.

Four five six seven houses passes by...

He counted until he reaches his destination. Taehyung's heart beats fast again, he remembers the first time that he went here.

It was a beautiful moment.

Her skin lulled by the moonlight, her eyes tightly closed but I can see how much her pain costs her. Her lips plump and cherry, her every single thing connected to heaven.

I closed my eyes and let out a whisper,

"I wish you could see your worth, just like how I see yours" I opened them again and look at her, "That way" I paused "You know you are loved."

Taehyung breathes. Every step he takes his heart beats faster and faster, almost unbearable. His face is facing Jennie's door.

Taehyung takes a deep breath,

Before raising his arm,

"Here goes nothing."

And knocks on her heart.

author's :


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