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will byers never considered himself different. in fact, he considered himself quite normal. he thought the same as the other boys, he went to school, and though he'd never had a girlfriend. but he was young. he had time for girlfriends later on in life.

el and mike made up for it, throwing themselves on top of each other every chance they got. they weren't embarrassed to be caught kissing in the hallways, mike being quiet whenever hopper was around, but when there were no parents, el was always sprawled across his lap, giggling as he whispered things in her ear.

max and lucas were different, in the way that they were casual around each other in public. they'd eat lunch together, and if their hands accidentally touched, they'd jump and giggle nervously as a red blush appeared on their cheeks. it wasn't until months after they started dating when the gang actually saw them hold hands for the first time, during a hangout in the wheeler's basement, and el gave a shout so loud mike accidentally dropped her out of his lap. blushes immediately sped onto max and lucas's faces, and they weren't caught again anytime soon.

freshman year seemed to speed by, and will didn't have any interest in girls. he didn't think he'd found the right one. dustin, however, fell in love with girl after girl, being rejected, but picking himself up. will admired his courage, and they laughed together about it.

one night, during the summer of freshman year, mike announced that his family was out for the night and that he'd taken nancy's copy of the titanic. the whole group had been overcome with excitement. they'd wanted to watch the movie for what seemed like forever.

the girls squealed together as el abandoned her boyfriend for what seemed like the first time ever as she popped next to max on the couch. they whispered together as lucas flipped off the lights, and will settled himself into an armchair and turned his attention to the screen.

the main boy caught will's attention, and he felt a smile creep to his lips as he watched him kiss the main girl, which made max and el go crazy.

the boys talked nonstop after the movie about how hot the main girl was, and will chucked alongside with them, but rather then pay attention, he tuned into the girl's whispered conversation in the corner.

"-the hottest boy i've ever seen-," el was gushing to max, who giggled wildly, clutching her hand.

"what about miiiiike," she teased in a singsong voice. el didn't turn red, but snorted at her. "i'm talking about after mike," she said. "you have to admit that he was so hot. i mean-,"

will broke his attention from their conversation to glance at mike. girls always stared at him everywhere the party went, which made el furious. "why does jane get the hot one?" girls would grumble as they passed, and max slapped one in the face once after she taunted el when mike wasn't around. mike was attractive, will had to admit. they had a point.

will's eyes trailed over mike's curly hair, and the freckles dotting his cheeks, and his jawline, and his lips, and then continued to trail down his body, before lucas snapped in front of him. "hey! will!" he jumped in his seat, his eyes flicking up nervously. "y-yeah?" he kept glancing over at mike, who was staring at him. will couldn't stand to look back at him again, he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. "don't you think that she was hot?" will stared at them for a minute, before gulping. "i have a- i have a stomachache. i'm gonna go home, okay?" he slid out of there before they could respond, and thundered up the stairs, ignoring their calls, as he grabbed his bike and shot off across the pavement.

he let out a shaky sigh as the wind buffeted his hair. it was normal, right? to think boys were attractive? after all, if you had eyes, you had to use them. will swallowed again as he drove home, worries flitting through his head.

it wasn't until he had arrived home and turned on his music, that his worries started to evaporate. rather then worry, mike's body pranced around in his head, as he drifted off, daydreaming of a different reality.


beep. beep. beep.

will slammed his hand on his alarm, blinking as he woke up. he ran a hand through his hair.


he groaned as he realized he'd ignored his friends all weekend. they'd been pushing at him to tell them what was wrong for weeks. he'd woken up the morning after the titanic, feeling off, and uncomfortable.

he couldn't even look mike straight in the eye again, otherwise butterflies would erupt in his stomach, which made him feel horrible and uncomfortable. el seemed to notice something was up, she'd peer at him from the top of her book, eyes narrowed, as he glanced at mike over and over again. his time with the party dropped down to once a week, and he was putting off more and more group meetings, spending more time in his room, alone, trying to stop thinking about mike.

why he never left his mind, didn't make sense to will's overworked brain, and joyce was fretting over him more then usual. "i'm a teenager, mom," he grumbled when she bugged at him to leave his room. she just frowned a little, and he swore he saw tears appear in her eyes when she shut the door quickly behind her.

will let out a shaky sigh as he opened his bedroom door, and slipped into the hallway. he felt bursting to talk to someone. his family was gone, as usual, and he dialed the number without thinking, his hand shaking as he swallowed nervously. the phone rang, and he pressed it to his ear, closing his eyes and breathing heavily.


"will?" her soft voice floated through the reliever, and will couldn't speak, his throat had closed up, and tears were filling his eyes. "oh my god, will! everyone has been so worried about you, mike's actually here, let me give him the phone-,"

"no, el." he spoke, his voice cracking as salty tears spiraled down his cheeks. "will, oh my god, are you okay?" her voice was lower pitched, and he could imagine her tugging at her hair nervously as she spoke.

"not really," he managed, and a loud sniffle escaped his body as he started to sob, and el made a sound of pain, her heart racing, but she couldn't do anything from the other end of the line. "el, i'm- i- i think there's something wrong with me."

"what do you mean?" her voice was soft, and he could hear the worry in her voice. "do you- no! it's nothing, it's, um... just my dad. give me a minute," her voice quieted as she spoke to mike, lying to cover up not handing the phone over. then her voice floated out again. "how so?"

"i- i don't-," will gulped, tears flooding down his cheeks. "i think, i- i like a boy."

there was a shocked silence, and will was shaking so bad he thought he might pass out.

"i'll be right over," was the quick response, and then el hung up, and will sank to the ground, numb, as he started to sob again, burying his head in his arms.

author's note :)

hi there loves! so i hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of "prideful." i was confused on how i wanted it to start off, and how poor will was feeling was hard as well, but i think i got it a little bit right, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment your thoughts because i'd love to hear!

ideas + thoughts i need to have a good book

tag a friend please agh

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