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will felt a lot better the next day, waking up with a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips. he strolled though the hallway, his feet in long strides, and his smile only faltered for a second when he noticed mike and el. he glanced away from them, for once, the two were both staring at him.

he felt their eyes burning into his back as he turned to max. "good morning," he said cheerfully, and max grinned and pulled him into a hug. "i'm so glad you're feeling better!"

he made it through the day easily, and as he sat his tray down at lunch, he noticed mike and el staring at him, mike mumbling something into el's ear, and her eyes narrowed further. will was done with this. for the first time all day, he felt horrible again. he forced his eyes to look away from them, instead landing on someone who had just entered the cafeteria, their eyes searching across the crowds of people.

will's mouth fell open as their eyes met. he stood up without thinking, slinging his bag over his shoulder, and hurrying towards him, the whole group shocked in silence as they watched him. will stopped in front of the boy, a smile brilliant on his face. "hey."

the boy smiled back. "what a surprise! you didn't say you went to hawkins high." will raised his eyebrows. "you didn't ask." the boy shrugged. "fair. hey, by the way. i'm justin."

will grinned. "i'm will byers. welcome to hawkins." the boys headed over to an open table, chatting as they took a seat, and the rest of the group had their eyes glued onto the two.

"who is that?" el asked crossly, her eyes burning daggers at justin. max shrugged, her mouth full of food. "hmm i dnno, duz it maerr?" she tried to speak around her food, shoveling another piece into her mouth.

mike was silent, his eyes narrowed as he looked at justin. he was laughing at something will said, and mike felt his heart take a jab, but he brushed it off, turning back to el.


will's smile grew throughout the day, and he sighed as the final bell rang, running into justin in the hallway. justin fidgeted with his foot, squeaking it on the tile. "hey, like i said, i just moved here, and uh- i'm wondering if you wanna show me around? we could go to coffee or something today, and explore another day or whatever." will grinned. "yes! let's do it. wanna go now?" justin nodded and the two headed outside. will closed his eyes briefly as the breeze brushed into him, and justin unlocked his car with a snort of amusement.

will had forgotten briefly he was a yet older and had his own car, and he crashed into the front seat. justin started the car, and looked to will. "where's the best place for coffee around here?" he asked, and will furrowed his eyebrows. "umm, there's a place in the mall that's pretty good. if you're looking for a shop, starshine is kinda by the park." they ended up deciding to go to starshine, and took a seat in a booth, sunshine filtering in and making shadows across the tables as their coffees were set down in front of them.

will's was hot to the touch, and he didn't want to burn himself, so he just stirred it lightly, as justin sipped at his drink. "so, how long have you lived in hawkins for?" he asked, and will smiled. "my entire life, actually. i love it here, but i want to travel."

justin nodded eagerly. "i want to travel as well. that was the good thing about moving here, being able to see more of the world."

his eyes drifted to behind will, and he frowned. "hey, aren't those your friends?" will jumped, and turned to see mike and el whispering in the to go lane, having not noticed him yet.

will turned back around, sighing. "uh.. yeah. kind of. maybe. not sure." justin raised an eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest and leaning back. "oh?"

will took a glance back, the two were still whispering, they hadn't seen him. just then, mike's eyes filtered over and locked with will's. will froze, and mike started for just a second, his eyes looking full of... hurt? before glancing back to el, not saying a word to his chattering girlfriend. will sighed deeply, and turned back to justin, who was nodding slowly.

"i get it. that's the person you were talking about?" will bit his lip, then nodded slightly. justin tilted his head in understanding. "girls are a little too crazy for me." will froze, forgetting justin had never specified who he was talking about. "what's her name?"

"uh-um, e-el." he mumbled, and justin nodded. "i remember back when i used to like girls. well, it wasn't ever real." he frowned. "people tell me i'm not supposed to talk about how i'm gay. my mother told me someone would hurt me one day." he shrugged, will's eyes focusing onto him with interest. "she was right, but i don't want to hide who i am from people."

will leaned forward, lowering his voice a little. "do you mind if i- well, uh- would you mind telling me- what exactly," he paused with frustration, and justin nodded in understanding. "hawkins the same as everywhere else? if so, i'm assuming you don't know exactly what 'gay' means. i've been asked a lot, you don't have to worry," he smiled a little as will's cheeks flushed red.

"it means... well, in all, a homosexual. which means that you are sexually attracted to someone of the same sex as you. so like," justin paused, his eyes traveling across the coffee shop. "i don't have any interest in girls, but i like boys. does that make sense?"

will's lips had dried up, and he managed a nod, and took one last glance behind him as mike and el were exiting the shop. el's brown hair swished around her shoulders as she whined about something, her body disappearing from view as she exited, and mike's newly floppy hair swept over towards will once more before he pushed out after his girlfriend.

"you know," justin mumbled around the muffin he was biting into, specks of crumbs appearing on his pale, freckled skin. "that boy of el's is way more attractive then she is, anyway. i wouldn't worry on about her." will felt a small smile on his lips as he nodded in agreement.

author's note :)


well uh now this book is gETTING somewhere finally! i know and recognize that my account is very dead and ima try to update my bigger books oops sorry!

for ava again bc she loves it when i update ;)

prideful | will byers Where stories live. Discover now