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will byers had a lot of people who cared about him. there might be several bumps along the road he was traveling, but with his best friend(s) back at his side, he was ready and able to continue alone his path. the hurricane was over. the waves were calm. however, he wasn't prepared for the new storm that was coming.


"i absolutely hate it," el dragged out the 'absolutely' in her sentence, wrinkling up her nose as she did so. the two were sat at will's sturdy kitchen table, homework spread out on the surface. will was scribbling in the equation to a math problem while el ranted about the teachers that still called her "jane" even after she'd pleaded with them to use her preferred nickname.

"it's just unfair! maybe i'll have dad come in. i-," she froze a little as hopper came into the conversation. will glanced up from his work, noticing she'd gone a little pale. "el?"

"yes, i'm okay. i... i don't think it'll be necessary for me to have him come in. i'll be switching schools soon, anyways." a flicker of hurt passed through her eyes. will frowned, reaching out and taking her hand in his, drawing little circles across it.

she blinked harshly, trying to draw the tears away from her soft eyes. "sorry, will, i'm an emotional wreck. maybe i should go home." he shook his head, cupping her cheek in his hand. "el, you're crazy. i'm here for you. i know what you're going through. i'll be here for you forever, even when you make way cooler friends at your new school and forget about me."

she snorted with laughter, wiping away a tear that had dropped down onto her cheek. "you're crazy, will, i'm not ever gonna make cooler friends then you. you're the best. plus, i'm not sure i'll make new friends at all." will's mouth fell open at this. "are you kidding me, el? you're the kindest, funniest, cutest, and openhearted person i know. anyone would be lucky to be your friend, and trust me, they will be."

he hesitated, and she smiled. "thank you, will." he growled at her a little. "but promise me, el, you won't go making friends with the wrong sort-" she laughed loudly, punching his arm lightly. "i promise, i promise! chill out will, i'm not completely hopeless."

he sighed. "maybe we'll have to get the whole group together before you leave." her smile was sad. "of course. a going away party of sorts.. hey!" her face suddenly lit up, a smirk finding it's way to her face "maybe.. you can even invite your guy friend.." will's face suddenly became very pale, and el's smirk grew as he stammered out his words.

"j-justin? oh, no.. he probably wouldn't-he's-not-," a pout found it's way to el's face. "pleeeease, willy? my going away party wouldn't be the same without him." will groaned. "you sneaky little sneak, you." el was grinning again. "is that a yes?" he scowled. "yes, fine!" el squealed in excitement. "yes! hey.. how did you even meet that kid?"

will froze up. "uhh... i was at the park.. riding my bike. and he was sitting alone, so i asked if he was okay. we talked, and when he showed up at school... i said i'd show him around." el raised an eyebrow. "like.. a date?" will coughed. "shit, no! he's my friend." el hummed to herself softly and he punched her in the arm. "stop, el! he said exactly, 'i'm wondering if you wanna show me around? we could go to coffee or something..' and i really don't think he meant it like tha-" el interrupted him quickly. "-and what did you guys talk about?"

will hesitated. "well, uh.. i told him that we were in a fight, and about school, and- oh, he mentioned that he was into guys, not girls. i asked him abo-," will froze, and el slapped the table with a loud "HA!"

will groaned. "i don't- he- how do i-," el was beaming. "sooo? you like him?" will bit his lip harshly. "i don't know! i.. he's..." el tutted softly. "he looks like mike." will jumped in his chair. "you-," el giggled. "is it too soon for me to make fun of you about that? c'mon! pale skin... dark hair. freckles. i'd say you have a type, idiot."

will sighed loudly. "i dunno... he's cute. i'll admit that, but i barely know him!" el raised her eyebrows. "and for the time you have, you haven't stopped hanging out with him!" he sighed. "okay. fine. whatever. he's cute, and looks like mike, but it doesn't matter because he-,"

"likes boys? you're digging yourself a hole, idiot. ask him to be your date to my party. please?" her eyes widened and she pouted at him. "fine!" he yelled, and el held up a hand gleefully. "great! operation; justill is a go!" will just rolled his eyes at this, finally going back to the half written math equation that was written on his paper.


author's note :)

jesus i'm finally back! it's been two whole months and i'm so so sorry about that! i've been waiting to get inspired and i think i finally have been! i'll try to update again soon & i'm very grateful for those of you who have stuck around!

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