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sleeping away the rest of the week was will's way to avoid telling millie about what had happened with mike. it was still confusing in his brain as well. mike didn't like boys. and he didn't know that will liked him. mike had looked surprised after the kiss as well, and will's head was still fumbling to understand why their lips had suddenly been attached.

but, god, it was the best thing he had ever felt.

a soft knock on his door startled him, and he jumped as he glanced towards it. his family had left him alone, after being suspended for ditching and being a part of a fight, they'd been so upset with him that they'd just kept quiet.

so he was only a little surprised when the door creaked open, and mike wheeler's sheepish face peeked around the corner, scratches on his face, sporting a black eye. a frown tugged at the corners of his mouth, as his eyes met with will, and flickered away.

"oh my god, mike!" will jumped up. "what the fuck happened to you?!" mike sighed, passing will and taking a seat on his bed, forcing will to slowly slide back down onto the bed next to him, eyeing him cautiously. "i- uh, troy's friends came after me after i beat him up. but i'm okay," he said before will could manage to say anything. "i put up a good fight. and troy deserved what he got. speaking of, maybe we should talk about-,"

"yeah," will interrupted, and instead of talking about it the two boys sat in silence, nervously glancing at one another. "i was confused," mike finally said. then he glanced up. "it is me you like, correct?" will's heart was thumping as he slowly nodded. the corner of mike's lips twitched, and his eyes grew a bit dull. "i didn't know how i was feeling. and i needed to see. but- it was okay- but-," he sighed deeply.

"el." will's heart plummeted as the single word escaped mike's mouth. "and i know that this is a douche move, but i already told her, and she forgave me, she's a miracle, really," a smile made its way to mike's face, but he looked up at will and it disappeared again. "i'm sorry, will. and i know i should've never... that shouldn't have happened. but it did. and i'll- never forget it- but it wasn't right. and el needs me."

will just nodded. mike's eyes were glassy. "i am, really sorry will." will still didn't answer, and mike slowly stood up. "i'm gonna go. but- uh, i hope nothing changes between us. see ya around." then he was gone, and the tears that had been building up flooded down will's face.

sadness. anger. denial. then he was throwing a pillow across the room as a scream of anger escaped his mouth. icy tears pierced his rosy cheeks as he tore his blankets and pillows off his bed, and shoved everything off his desk, throwing a painting across the room and sinking to his knees, letting them fall into the soft carpet as he curled into a ball, his sobs echoing across the room.

he now knew what the feeling felt like, though he'd prefer to never have to feel it again in his entire life.



will stayed locked in his room for as long as he could, and he ignored his mother's questioning as to why his room had been trashed when she trooped up the stairs to look for him, her eyes widening as she took in the mess.

it wasn't until his mom called from downstairs that the phone was for him that he finally exited his room. his heart sank as he lifted he phone to his ear, and it crinkled as el's voice floated out. "will?"

his mouth didn't seem to work as he hesitated, his eyes flicking up at his mother, who was watching from the foot of the stairs. el continued to speak. "i was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight."

"oh. um, okay," will managed. "great!" el's voice was filled with excitement, and she sounded a bit confused when she added, "actually, my dad came up with the idea. he thought... he said we hadn't seen each other for a bit, and he wondered if you'd like to come."

will's lips went dry as he remembered hopper's threat. "you think i won't tell her? like hell i won't. either you tell her or i will."

this was hopper's final warning, it was clear to will, as his conflicted thoughts came to a sudden halt. it was time to tell el about what happened with mike, or else his already messed up life would get messed up even more.

author's note :)

i met my best friend today and i'm at her house that's so weird omg

we were laying in bed and she just said "wait will you update prideful" and i laughed but i finished up this chapter so here it is

i'm depressed about jillie ending but ready for a change in mill's life, and i hope she's happier :)

prideful | will byers Where stories live. Discover now