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max's flowing hair glistened a little in the sunlight as she jabbered to will, her facial expressions were outrageous as she emphasized her words. "and i don't know what he was thinking! he's gonna get himself grounded before he loses her forever!"

will frowned. "yeah, but don't they want to spend as much time with each other as possible before she's gone?" they were perched on a stone park bench, the bell had just rung signaling the end of school and the beaming sunlight was heavy on them as they waited for their friends. will glanced up at it, shielding his eyes, wondering where all the rain had gone.

"i guess so, but sneaking out in the middle of the night against his parent's rules probably isn't the best way to get that time." max said thoughtfully, and will shrugged in agreement.

she suddenly let out a high pitched screech as lucas seized her around the waist from behind, spinning her around and smashing his lips against hers. she smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. will glanced away, spotting justin exiting the school, and his eyes widened. "uh.. i'll catch up with you guys later!" max raised up her hand in farewell, not separating from her boyfriend's lip lock, and will hurried across the courtyard.


he turned, a bright smile on his face at the sound of will's voice. "will." he stopped and waited for him to catch up.

will was out of breath by the time he did. "need some water?" justin held out his bottle, and will shook his head a little, a bright tint appearing on his cheeks "uh.. i'm okay. thank you." justin grinned at the blush on his cheeks, tucking the bottle back into his bag. "if you say so. just saying hi, or are you ready for day two of 'show justin the ropes of hawkins'?"

will smiled. "sure! where do you want to go today?" the two set off, justin shrugging at his question. "i don't know, you tell me." will bit his lip. "uhh... we could walk around town? there's a few cool places."

"whatever is fine with me, so long as you're there," will froze a little at justin's swift comment, but the boy was already heading across the grass. "you coming or what?"


joyce byers was finishing her shift at work, she hurriedly said goodbye to a coworker, grabbing her purse as she let out a well earned sigh. the bell on the door of melvalds rang as she headed out onto the street. she rummaged around in her purse for a key, and glanced up when she heard a familiar sounding laugh.

"that's so funny because my friend el is actually moving there. small world," a smile spread on joyce's face as she spotted her son, most likely with dustin or mike. however, it wasn't dustin or mike, or even lucas or el. the boy standing next to will was grinning at him. "about time you introduced me to the rest of your friends, i'd think." joyce furrowed her eyebrows as the boy nudged will's foot gently with his own.

will went red and looked away. "uhh... yeah. you can come sit with us for lunch monday. also... i wanted to ask you something." the boy raised his eyebrows, leaning back against the wall, arms folded across his chest. "sure, what's up?" joyce jumped as someone touched her shoulder. "you forgot your sweater, joyce! you left it here last week." she smiled at one of her coworkers, thanking him.

by the time she turned around, the boy and her son had gone, and she was left as confused as she had been when she'd seen them at first.


will's heart pounded as justin leaned against the wall in front of him. "uhh... i-um. i was wondering if- well, actually, my friend- uhh, she's- um i was- you-,"

"spit it out, will!"

"el's having a going away party this weekend and-iwaswonderingifyouwouldcomeasmydate,"
will took a quick breath. "ifnotitstotallyfineij-,"

"will!" justin threw his head back, laughing. will's cheeks were bright red. "of course i'll be your date. no need to be so nervous, silly."

will breathed out heavily, the heavy blush staying permanent on his cheeks. "are you sure? you don't have to, i know you don't even know her, i just-,"

justin touched will's burning cheek gently, making goosebumps pop up on his arms, even in the sweltering heat. "will. i'd love to go with you. you're... you're really cool. i'm really glad i met you." will smiled a little.

"i'll walk you home, if you want." justin offered, as they set off down the sidewalk. "um- justin- i live pretty far away. you could walk me back to my bike, though."

"okay, if you say so. but- it doesn't really matter to me how far away you live."

will smiled. "maybe some other time, then."



will swung his leg over the side of his bike, hair whipping in the wind that had started up. justin peered at him, worry in his eyes. "you'll be okay, then? there might be a storm starting, maybe you wanna wait it out-,"

"i'll be fine, i've ridden in all sorts of storms." will reassured him, a soft smile on his lips.

"okay... bye then. see you tomorrow." justin smiled at him. will grinned back, pushing hair out of his face. "bye."

"goodnight, will."

"night, justin."


author's note :)

ava pressured me for a new chapter like 2 minutes after i published the last one so here it is idiot merry christmas

have a great holidays you guys! so so grateful for all of you!! <3

this chapter is so crappy i'm so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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