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will waited next to the rest of the group, his skin still pale, as the boys chuckled and max glanced at him cautiously. mike and el finally headed out the front door, but soon enough el was pinned against the wall, their lips attacking each other's making will's stomach hurt.

"HEY! WE GET IT, LOVEBIRDS! LET'S GET A MOVE ON!" dustin hollered, and lucas sniggered as mike held up the middle finger from behind el's head.

he couldn't take it anymore. he grabbed his bike by the handles, and suddenly was speeding down the street, the wind chilling his burning hot skin. he didn't turn down the rocky road that would take him home, he instead rode through town for a while, and continued to bike until his legs were completely worn out, which ended up being dark. the day had sped by, and he collapsed on a bench, ready to give in to the darkness calling him. he hated all of this.

he wanted to hurt himself, make his pain stop completely, even. he cursed himself for thinking such thoughts, but tears poured down his cheeks, anyway.

"are you okay, hon?" will glanced up, his eyes meeting a shadow, and a worried look was coating the freckled boy's cheeks. will blinked, as the boy took a seat next to him on the bench.

"um... yes. no. kind of. it's been a rough week." will's eyes filtered back onto the cloudy sky, and he shivered as a cold gust of wind spread over him. the boy noticed this, and slipped off his jacket, holding it out. will raised an eyebrow at him. "why should i trust you?"

the boy frowned, and shrugged his shoulders. "you can't. but sometimes trusting someone you don't know is better then trusting no one at all." will tipped his head in agreement, and took the boy's jacket, wrapping it around himself and inhaling the comforting scent.

"so what's got you down?" the boy asked, following will's gaze into the cloudy sky. "i... i like a b- i like someone." will said, and the boy didn't respond, just continued to listen as will continued to talk. "and i kissed h- them. but they're dating someone. and it hurts a lot to see them together. and i just don't know what to do."

the boy exhaled, and will felt weary. "well, that's a hard situation." the boy said. "i can't tell you what to do, but i can tell you that things will get better. things always get better when they're hard."

the boys sat in silence, the words sinking into will's mind as he gulped. "i just-," and then tears pounded down his face, and the stranger's eyes were full of sadness. "do you want a hug?" and then they hugged, and will didn't mind that he didn't know him, he was more focused on the best hug he'd had in while.

he tried not to think about mike as he squeezed his eyes shut tight. the boy slowly let go of him, and hesitated. "do you wanna come on a walk?" will nodded, and chained his bike up before strolling gently along next to the stranger.

"i just moved here," the boy commented in the silence. "it's a pretty place. you're the first person i've talked to. i hope things get better for you. you're really sweet and i bet you're a great person." will looked up, tears swimming in his eyes. "thank you. it means a lot."

and when will went home that night, the strange boy's jacket still slung around his shoulders unnoticeably, he felt happier then he has felt in a very long time.

author's note :)

such a short chap i KNOW i'm sorry but uh i had to update for ava bc i love & miss her with all my heart so i didn't get to write as much as i would have liked!



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