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"i feel like i made a bad impression on your friends," justin said with a frown, not eating his lunch as the two sat on the bleachers, will staring at him in confusion. "i mean, they haven't talked to you at all since i showed up. i feel bad, i mean-,"

"it doesn't matter," will reassured him, glancing out over the football field with a small sigh. "if they cared enough, they'd have come to talk to me."

in reality, max was the only one who had, stopping by his house after school and giving him a long hug, which made him feel nice, and promising him she'd always be there for him.

the two sat in silence, a frown still on justin's face. will caught the words of a girl a couple rows up, and he tuned into their conversation. "anyway, she said that she's terrified her dad'll get promoted and they'll move. from what i heard, she's been so clingy around mike. i guess she's just barely getting used to school and everything, and she doesn't want to leave him most of all. i'm not sure why she's being so mean, though. it's not like her at all."

will's eyes widened, and he coughed to cover up his nervousness. justin glanced up at the girl. "are they talking about-," he started in a whisper, and will nodded. "yeah. she never said anything about hopper having to move for his job to us. that would explain a lot." he furrowed his brow, and sighed. "wanna walk me to class?" he asked justin, and the boy smiled, and nodded, helping will up as the two set off across the football field.

will heard footsteps hitting the ground after them, and he turned in surprise as a sweating mike placed a hand on his shoulder. justin turned and frowned at him.

"can i talk to you, please?" mike asked desperately. will opened his mouth to reply, and stoke a glance at justin. "i'm justin." he held out a hand to mike, who reluctantly shook it, glancing at will again hurriedly. "uh, is now a bad time? i just-," he glanced behind him again, and back to will. "or could i come over tomorrow after school or something?"

will sighed. "i guess." mike smiled immediately. "t-thank you. i'll see ya, i guess. bye, justin." he hurried off, stealing glanced behind him as he shot around the side of the field. will blinked after him in confusion, laughing a little as he and justin approached the school.

"he seemed desperate, what did he want to talk about?" justin asked, and will sighed. "i don't know, i wish you would've told him to leave." justin blinked in surprise. "he's your friend, though?" will rolled his eyes. "not really, not anymore. because of what happened."

justin nodded in understanding. "well, i think you should talk to him anyway? see what happened? maybe you guys could fix things."

"maybe," will muttered under his breath, but he wasn't so sure about that.


will had completely forgotten about the encounter with mike by the next day, and he had his homework spread across his desk when he heard the knock from the front door.

"mike! how lovely to see you! it's been quite a while! glad you're back!" his mom's voice floated from the living room, and will swore under his breath as he hurried to get up.

"thank you, mrs. byers. it's good to see you too!! i'm also glad to be back." after his mom had offered mike a snack, he was standing at the doorway to will's room, both boys silent.

"hey." will said. "come in. what did you need to talk about?" mike shut the door, and took a seat on will's bed, sighing. "well, a few things. one, i miss you. a lot. i'm really sorry about what happened, and i wish you would sit with us again. i know you like jude whatever your friend is called,"


"-, but we do miss you a lot. and i think- i think you and el need to talk. i don't want you to be on bad terms when- well."

will blinked. "when?"

"well, it's not official yet." mike's eyes clouded up, and he sniffled a little. "hopper got offered a new job, and they're going out this weekend to look at houses. but she's dead set on them having to move, that's why she's been so mean to everyone."

will frowned, feeling pain for the both of them poke at his heart. "i'm sorry. i really am. i miss you guys too."

mike smiled a little, although his eyes were still glassy. "i think you need to talk to her. she- i told her i'd meet her for dinner tonight. i won't go, if you want to go instead. at pacton's, at 7. she'll be there."

will sucked in a breath, then nodded. "okay. okay. that's probably a good idea." mike smiled, and leaned in, wrapping will in a hug. will breathed in his laundry scent, because mrs. wheeler did all the laundry, and his curls brushed will's face. he felt his heart ache, and he realized he really, really had missed him.

mike pulled back with a breath. "thank you. i appreciate it. and if you and jeremy-,"


",- want to sit with us tomorrow- that is if you and el make up, we would love that."

will smiled. "oh, i've missed you guys."

and he did. he really, really did.


author's note :)

for ava!

i took a breakdancing masterclass yesterday and everything hurts, what an experience.

i also updated facob!

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