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will stayed put in his curled ball on the floor, for what seemed like hours, until the door banged open and a small cry echoed out as el shut the door and hurried over to him, dropping to her knees, and pulling his tear soaked face from his lap, and blinked gently at him. "oh, will. are you okay?" she mumbled.

"no," will whispered. "not really." el took his hand, and helped him up and down the hallway into his room. "sorry it took me a little longer then i expected to get here, mike was bugging me and didn't want to leave." she rolled her eyes, and sat down on the bed next to will, her eyes softening as she played with his hand.

"oh, will. how did you realize-," and then he was in tears again, and she pulled him into a hug, and he sobbed into her shoulder, his body shaking, as he mumbled words into her. "i didn't know, and i've been so confused- and-and i- i didn't know what it meant, because i didn't realize i liked him, i just thought he was attractive, and i've never liked anyone, so i didn't know, but i cant stop thinking about him, and i feel gross, like i did something wrong-,"

"oh my god, will. you did nothing wrong!" el's said harshly, and pulled his head up so she could look into his eyes. "i'm so sorry that you feel gross, but it's not anything to be ashamed of. did you- did you tell anyone else?" she said, a little softer. will hesitated, then shook his head. el let out a shaky breath.

"t-thanks for telling me. why did you tell me?" she asked, curiously filling her voice. will frowned. "i-i don't know. i just needed to tell someone, it felt like i was going to explode, and then i just dialed your number, and then you picked up." el nodded. "do you mind if i ask who this boy is?"

will winced. he didn't think about the fact that he was telling mike's girlfriend about his liking of the freckled boy. "um, just a kid from our school. no one important." el raised an eyebrow, but nodded, accepting his answer.

"so," her voice squeaked. "what are you gonna do now?" will let out a shaky sigh. "i-i don't know."

el sighed, fidgeting with the strap on her overalls.  "you know, will, there's a lot of things in life that the answer to isn't clear. it's gonna be okay, whether you decide to tell people or not. a-are you?"

"i haven't really thought about it." will mumbled, and el rested her head on his shoulder comfortingly. "well, i'm here for you. forever and for always." she gave him a cheesy smile that made him laugh for what seemed like the first time in forever.

"thanks, el." he said softly, and sighed again. "do you think you could- keep this to yourself?" he glanced up at her big brown eyes, and she nodded quickly. "of course."


"WILL!" the gang crashed into him as he arrived at school for the first day. "where have you been?" dustin groaned at him. will shrugged his shoulders lightly. "just been busy, i suppose." he answered, and hurried inside the school. kids brushed past him, and he felt a large shove against his side, and he glanced up to see troy laughing as he walked past.

"will, oh my god!" he glanced up, his heart sinking as he saw mike and el hurrying towards him. el's eyes were duller then usual, and he noticed, (his heart jumping, making him inwardly slap himself) that she was walking a couple feet away from mike instead of holding his hand, and he glanced at her with a pained look as they approached him.

"where have you been?" mike mumbled, and hugged will tightly, making his heart pound. el stopped a couple feet away, a frown on her face, but she gave will a small wave.

the rest of the party caught up with them, saving will from having to answer, and max frowned as she noticed el's distance from mike. "what the hell happened with y'all?" she asked, and mike glanced back at el, and took a shaky breath, and el's lip wobbled and she burst into tears, whipping around and hurrying towards the bathroom.

there was a shocked silence, before max pushed past and ran after her. mike sat there in silence for a minute. "um- we had a fight."

"well, obviously, man," lucas chuckled. mike just frowned, and turned, strolling out the front doors of the school. "wh-MIKE! YO! CLASS STARTS IN TEN MINUTES! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" dustin hollered, but mike didn't turn. the first bell rang, and lucas and dustin scurried off, but will's eyes lingered after mike, and cursing himself, he rushed after him.

the wind bustled his hair as he walked around the side of the school. his heart thumped as he spotted mike, and noticed with a frown that his curled up body was shaking with sobs.

"mike?" will called softly, and mike jumped, and glanced up, his face already red and puffy, and he sniffled. "go to class, will." he buried his head back between his legs, and will sighed as he slid down the wall next to him.

mike lifted his head up, and goosebumps appeared on his skin as the wind fluttered his wet face. he wiped his tears, and his breathing was unsteady, as suddenly he crushed will in a hug. will's heart started thumping so fast he swore mike could feel it. if he did, however, it he didn't mention it.

mike's lips were pressed against will's neck, and he should be trying to comfort him, but instead, his heart was thumping and his breathing was speeding up-

"can i ask you something?" mike asked, pulling back suddenly. will froze. "y-yeah?"

"what did you tell el that you couldn't bother to tell me?"

author's note :)

hi there! chapter two of prideful! idk how i feel about it, so i nEED tHOUGHTS but i hope you enjoyed it!

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