18: cliché

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"C'mon, let's get you home."

She clung to my arm like wet hair, cold clammy hands enveloped by mine as I held the umbrella over the both of us as we trailed past the cafe where we first hung out, the lights inside dim but the fairy lights strung outside still shone.

"I missed you." She suddenly spoke, peering up at me, her silver eyes the brightest star in my world that rains nor storms could diminish. I had to look away before I became trapped in her gaze, chuckling nervously.

"What is there to miss?" I asked, half-joking and half-hoping that she meant it because I miss her every second of the day and she's never truly off my mind no matter how hard I try. She's like a song on the radio that I would never think to download on my phone but I constantly look up to listen to and I know all the words even though the song isn't added to any of my playlists.

"Everything, really. We should go on another date." I almost choked on my saliva, turning to look at her again to find her smiling at me like I just told a cheesy joke that wasn't funny and she won't laugh but she'll smile like it was a good one. She considers the first time we hung out a date? Score!

Take that, my frail masculinity that likes to belittle me at the worst moments!

"Go on a date with me next week, Sunday afternoon. We should have a picnic in the park. Is that okay?" I think I'd give up the rest of my life just to hear those words slip from her pretty mouth again.


Harry Styles?

Go on a date with her?

The most beautiful girl in the world?

"Everything is okay when I'm with you, Blazy." I lean over and kiss the side of her head gingerly and when she looks up, her cheeks are red but I'm not sure if it's because of the rain or my gesture but her eyes are the size of the moon and she suddenly lunges at me.

The umbrella slips out of my hand, splashing into the puddles and soaking my shoes even more, though Arabella was smart and wore her Doc Martens which made me glad because I wouldn't want her little feet to be cold.

It's like I'm frozen within time and space because it's freezing outside and I'm drenched but she's kissing me, hard, and my entire body feels like I'm on fire. Her lips move harshly against mine, small hands gripping the collar of my hoodie tightly, keeping me close. It's like a wire snaps in my head and I'm pulling her closer, our heart beating against each other. What's the one Katy Perry song about a plastic bag? I feel like I could live in this moment forever, kissing in the rain and my socks are wet but I've never felt so good.

When we pull away for air, she buries her face in my chest in embarrassment, "Oh my god, I can't believe I just did that."

I laugh and hold her tight, almost afraid to let go. "I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth."

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