4: spilt

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My heart continues to thump in my chest as if trying to bob above for air, but I truly think there might be something wrong with me. I'm trying so hard to keep my smile from permanently etching itself onto my face but it's extremely difficult. The apples of my cheeks are starting to sore but I can't stop thinking about it. The butterflies in my stomach are roaring like prehistoric dinosaurs and my chest, although still continuing to race, feels quite fuzzy.

That beautiful enigma splashed her cold brew tea all over my front!

While that might sound horrible, which it might be considering it's my first day of school and I had an accident, but it's that wonderful girl that's been running through my mind!

Well, I'd chide you for not embarrassing yourself, it's not entirely your fault.

I don't think I'd mind whether it was my fault or not. I managed to interact with my first school crush on the first day of school. Take that unnecessarily rude thoughts!

Your shirt is still wet and if she had gone any lower, you'd look like you'd pissed yourself.

She didn't and I should be probably be thankful, but I can't believe she talked to me!

She apologized and everything! Though she wouldn't take my offer to buy her a new tea, she said something about making it up to me. I'm so happy, I feel like I'm floating on clouds.

She feels so good.

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