Uncle Papeeno!

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The next morning Beast, Raven and Garfield were so tired they could just about walk. They got up and fed and changed the kids. After that they took the kids into the kitchen and had their breakfast while Star and Bee played with the babies. "Oh friend Raven, Tofu is the hilarious!" she laughed playing with his tiny feet! "Maybe he doesn't take after Logan after all!" laughed Beast, Garfield gave him the death glare and he stopped laughing. "Mate, could you open me a portal to hell quickly, I need to have a word with your dad!" Raven looked at Beast, "The last thing I want to do right now is talk to him!" she snapped then went back to her herbal tea. "You don't have to I do, I wanna know how I can change into normal me!" he gave her puppy dog eyes and quivered his bottom lip. She sighed and opened a portal behind Beast Boy, "Go now be quick!" He jumped through exactly and went to the big doors. "Hey Papeeno!" Papeeno stopped him at the door. "Who are you? How do you know my name, and why are you here?" Beast rolled his eyes. "I'm Beast, we've met like a million times and I want to talk to that prick about getting my body back!" Papeeno's eyes opened wide. "BEAST! How? Why?!" he sighed. "Me and Logan died, I gave my soul up for him, mate begged trigon to bring me back, now I'm a blonde twelve year old midget!" he said in a little baby voice. "You know you don't have to talk to me like a baby... Baby! Has Raven giving birth yet?" Beast nodded and Papeeno ran to the portal.

"Mistress!" he hugged Raven she hugged him back. "And Master Logan!" Beast boy laughed. "You can call me Beast boy dude it's fine!" he gave Papeeno a fist bump. "Ok Beast Boy Dude!" Garfield rolled his eyes. "May I see the children?" Raven smiled and got up. They went over to Bee and Star who were still playing with them. "Oh wow, 4! That's a lot!" Ravens eyes opened wide. "4! THERE ARE 5, OH G-D WHERES PURE!" She panicked and started to look everywhere. "Er Rae?" she turned to Beast boy his mouth had dropped as he saw Pure clawing through the huge doors to Trigons throne room! Raven Garfield and Papeeno ran after him, while Star and Bee stayed with the other babies. When they came into the throne room they saw Beast talking to Trigon, he down at them. "Daughter, aw I see you've given birth, perfect!" he shrunk down and walked up to her. "I'll go see my grand-kids!" he walked past them. "No leave my children alone!" she yelled. Pure crawled over to Beast, he picked Pure up. "Mate, I think one's come to see your dad!" Trigon turned around and saw Beast holding Pure. "Aw, is this one of them!" He floated over to them. Beast boy turned into a cheetah and run past him. He covered Beast and Pure. "Touch my son and die!" he started to growl. Beast was a little shocked. "Woah Logan, that's... dark!" he smiled. "At lest tell me his name then!" Beast boy smiled, "PURE SOUL LOGAN!" Trigons mouth dropped. He turned to Raven, "HOW DARE YOU NAME YOUR CHILD AFTER ARELLA!" He yelled. Beast and Garfield took Pure over to Raven and Papeeno. "What are the others called then huh? Chosen one? Arella? Azar?!" He yelled. Raven took Pure from Beast, "Pure Logan, Duela Logan, Tofu Logan, Pup Logan and Ruby Logan!" she turned around and headed for the door. He slammed it shut. "Not this again, just let us leave!" yelled Garfield. Trigon shook his head, "I just thought you'd like to show your parents the children!" Beast and Garfield nodded exactly. "Well then, you let me see them and Mark and Marie can come too!" Raven was confused, "Mark and Marie?" Beast Boy nodded. "Their first names!"

"Mate can they please come!" begged Beast. "Please!" joined Gar. She sighed, "Alright, Father you may come, however if you do anything to my children, I will banish you too the darkest demotion in the multi verse!" she flashed her demon eyes at him, Pure laughed. "Hem... he laughed at your death threat how sweet!" laughed Trigon, he clicked his fingers and Mr and Mrs Logan appeared. "Mama Papa!" Beast and Logan both yelled and ran up to them. "You can't touch..." they ignored them and went to hug them, but for once it work! "Master how is that possible?" asked Papeeno. "Well, they have died before, their practically the undead, so they can touch ghosts now!" Mark and Marie hugged them back. "Garfield who's your friend?" asked his mother. Beast whimpered slightly, "It's Beast, you know the guy who lived inside me, he has his own body now!" Their eyes opened wide. "Hi mum Hi dad!" he smiled. "So we have two sons?" Asked Mark, they nodded with a smile. "WAIT A SEC, DOES THAT MAKE ME AND LOGAN BROTHERS?" They both pretended to puke. "That is so messed up on so many levels!" yelled Garfield. Raven giggled slightly. "Oh my goodness, is this your son?" his mother ran over to Pure. "Oh he looks like Garfield when he was a baby, well apart from the eyes!" She tried to touch him, and because he's half demon it worked! Raven let her hold him, but she stayed aware in case he went through her. "Oh he's beautiful!" Mark came up to him. "We're grandparents!" 



Me: Cause you are!


Me: Yeah that's kinda why I did it! *evil smile*

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