It's not real!

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Duela screamed and back up on the bed holding Pup tightly. Raven was unconscious on the floor, the babies still in her arms. Garfield was covering her, "Duela get over here!" he yelled. Duela nodded and couched behind Garfield. "BEAST!" She screamed. "DUELA!" He yelled in return. Duela started to cry, making Pup growl. The feaster in front of them, had taken the form of Harvey Dent, but better known as two face. "Now now sweet heart, don't cry, daddy's here!" he smiled, his burnt face crumbling off slightly. "Your not real... your a feaster... your not real!" she whispered over and over. DJ started to cry, setting Tofu and Pure off. Ruby just laughed, while Pup was growling. Garfield was trying to calm them, he scooped them up and started to rock them. "Common buddy..." he pleaded to himself as the feaster came closer.

Beast darted up the stairs as fast as he could, Star flew up next to him. Duela screamed again, Beast transformed and started to run on all fours. Cyborg and Robin trailed behind them, "HURRY UP!" Beast yelled at them, determined to get to her. "You better be looking after her Logan!"

Garfield heard him, "I'm TRYING!" He yelled back, Duela hugged Pup and kissed the top of his head. "Please hurry Beasty..." Pup growled at Two face. "What the heck is that?!" he laughed. Garfield growled too, "That's my son jackass!" The feaster came closer to Duela and Pup, she backed away into the wall. "G-get away from me!?"  he had pushed her into the corner away from Beast boy and Raven. He whimpered and stayed with his family, he couldn't risk the safety of his mate for his brothers. "Aw the new king!" Two face put his hand out to touch Duela, Pup let out a small roar, which came out more of a squeak. The feaster snickered, he reached for Duela, she screamed again. Pup growled and bit Two faces hand, "OW GET THIS THING OFF ME!" Duela burst out laughing, so did Beast boy. Pups little milk fangs pierced into his skin, showing green blood! 

Beast caught on to the smell and burst throw the door. Two face shook Pup off, enraged was an understatement! He grabbed Duela's hair, she shrieked. Beast roared and charged at Two Face. He head butted him into the wall, dropping Duela. Beast pinned him to the floor and roared in his face. "Duela?!" she scrambled up and looked at him. "Don't watch this!" Duela grabbed Pup and turned around.

Beast bite into Harvey's arm, he yelped. "NO ONE HURTS MY MATE!" He yelled and tour his arm off. Green blood spurred out, Star fire started to gag. Beast smirked at its suffering, slowly, he pulled on the other one. It's shoulder clicked and dislocated. "Please... just kill me now..." it begged. Beast shook his head, "Sorry, I don't give mercy!" he pulled it off sharply. The feaster changed to it's normal form. Beast couldn't stand to look at it any more, he snapped its neck and ripped its head off. Star flew away to the bath room and puked, she pasted Robin and Cyborg in the hallway. "Beast!" they said together.  

Beast calmed down and changed back, he ran over to Duela and hugged her tightly. "Are you okay!?" she nodded and hugged him back, Pup being sandwiched in the middle. Beast let go of her and smiled at Pup. "He was protecting me as well!" Duela giggled. Beast picked Pup up and hugged him gently. "Thank you!" Pup purred and rubbed his head on Beast's.

Garfield stroked Raven cheek, whimpering. Pure crawled over to his mother and put his little hands on her head. A faint green light surrounded them, Beast boy's face dropped as he stared at his son. He moved his hands and clapped bubbling in laughter. Raven's eye's fluttered open and she grabbed her head. "Er what... what happened?" Beast boy hugged her. "I think Pure just leaned a new spell!" he laughed. Raven looked over at Pure, he giggled.

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