Don't forget to smile!

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London Sewers, 6:30 am.

Trigon rolled Duela's trousers bottoms up, she cringed at the feeling. Trigon smirked, "Oh, we don't like it there huh?" he rolled the other up and press the cold blade against her skin, Duela started to giggle. "No, I'm just really ticklish..." she lied. Star started to laugh at the sound of Duela's laughing. The laughing was contagious, even the demons were laughing. Trigon growled, "SILENCE!" He reaped, shaking the room. They all stopped, apart from Duela. Trigon eyed her, "I see why the Joker favoured you now, you laugh even in your final minutes..." Duela smiled at Trigon, shaking her head. "Oh, but there's so much more to it than that!" Trigon frowned and put one blade under her neck, she gulped and stopped laughing, but still smirked. "Now now Mr Roth, you can't hurt me!" Trigon hissed at that name. "I never married Arella!" he snapped. Duela shrugged, "My mum never married Bruce Wayne, didn't stop her from f*cking him!" Some of the demons took a step back, sensing their masters rage. Trigon got up in Duela's face, so close his nose touched hers, his eyes were glowing brightly. Duela smirked, "Shut up!" he snapped. Duela giggled and pecked Trigon the cheek, causing him to jerk back. Duela burst out laughing. "If you weren't a pure soul, I would... I -I would..." Duela smirked. "Do what? Kill me? Too late for that dumb dumb, I've died before, I'll die again. I'll get over it..." Trigon was getting really annoyed with her. 

Trigon handed three of his demons a knife each, and kept one for himself. They all took their post's, Trigon stood by her felt arm. "Any last words dent?" Duela nodded and looked at Star, she started to cry. Duela sighed and looked at Trigon, "I'm getting bored..." Trigon rolled his eye's and began to matter a chant, along with the rest of his minions. Even Papeeno, Star looked at him, he smiled and mind linked with her. Relax Mistress Star Fire, Duela's got a plan... Star smiled and nodded. 

Duela closed her eyes and prepared to feel the pain, she smiled. Trigon stopped speaking in Azarthain and spoke in English, alone. "A Soul so Pure, it is a living flame! A soul so pure, it can't tamed. When blade meet's flesh, and sprite see's light, then will the purity be threshed!" All the demons stabbed the blades down into her. Duela's eye's shot open, it hurt like hell. Her wrist's tingled as the poisons entered her body, she pushed her head back and smiled, closing her eye's again, she sighed. The knifes when straight threw her skin, into the rocks beneath her. Trigon watched her closely, "Feel the burning yet?" Duela smiled and nodded. Trigon was astonished, "Doesn't it hurt?" Duela nodded and smiled, humming happily, "This is the worst pain I've ever been though... G-d! Isn't it intoxicating!" Trigon nodded, checking that the blades were in her. "This makes no sense! You should be dead!" Duela looked up at the rocks above her, her pupils extenuated and she began to laugh psychically.

Trigon and the other demons backed away. Duela span her hands around and felt the grip hold of the knife's in wrist's, she grabbed them and in one swift move meant pulled the out and threw straight ahead of her, stabbing two trolls in the head and pinning them to opposite wall. Trigons face dropped, Duela burst out laughing, she pulled the blades in her legs out two, they were bleeding badly, but she didn't care. "Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But, as my Daddy always said, If your gonna go, go smiling!" She laughed and threw the next to behind her, stabbing two other trolls.

Star fire and Papeeno's mouths dropped, watching her standing on her horrific stone, bleeding and having just have murdered four demons. Trigon grew enraged, "STOP HER!" he yelled and pointed to her. All the demons charged at her, Duela shrugged and sat down cross-legged on her stone. She let them grab her and pin her down again. Trigon walked over and stared at the lunatic. "How is this possible?!" he yelled at her. Duela blew a raspberry in his face, it sounded like a fart, and put a shocked look on her face. "Trigon! You dirty boy!" The demons couldn't help but snicker, Trigon caught one and zapped him, burning him to ash. "ANSWER ME!" He screamed, Duela nodded. "Sorry for answering a question with a question but, Do you know what happens when a clown get's high?" Trigon raised an eyebrow, Star giggled. He turned to her, "What?!" he snapped, Star smiled, "Oh I am the sorry, it is just the ignorance of you and your minors! You will all die, but not to worry, I'm sure friend Duela will spare the few!" Trigon turned around to Star, fully. He heard a bit of rustling behind him, But ignored it, "Oh yeah, how is a little girl going to take out my whole army..." Duela coughed and Trigon turned around, only to get slapped in the face. "YOU STUPID!" She yelled in his face and jumped off the rock, beginning to untie Star. Trigon looked at the rocks, all but three of his minions were dead. His face dropped when he saw the million of bodies laying on the floor, all with the same cause of death, their mouths cut into a perfect smile. "I'll give them one thing Mr Roth!" Duela laughed and helped Star up, he turned to her. "They all have beautiful smiles!" Duela Star and Papeeno laughed. 

Duela approached him and flicked his chin, "Note to self Tri Tri, need more henchmen, good ones this time!" Trigon smiled and grabbed her arm tightly. "A person dies every second Miss Dent!" He clicked his fingers from his free hand and the room was full again of demons. Duela fake teared up, "Oh! I feel like it's Christmas!" Trigon threw Duela to the floor, "Tie that one up again, this one needs to die!" The demons jumped Star, her power's had been drained by Minos, she was defenceless. Duela squirmed seeing Star like that, "Leave Star out of this!" she yelled. Trigon smiled and picked Duela up again, "That's why the Joker didn't want you any more, you gained feelings for others!" Duela's face dropped, it quickly turned into a fake smile of anger. "Oh is that so..." she said threw her gritted teeth. "Well the reason he did want me, is because I can do things... LIKE THIS!" Duela lifted her legs up and kicked Trigon straight in the face, he flew back and dropped her. She did a flip, landing safely on her feet. "No one! No one, say's any thing about my daddy! NO ONE!"

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