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Beast covered Duela thinking it was an ambush of some kind. The room was decorated in gold and blue, it had a big banner that Star had made saying, 'Congratulates Duela and Beast!' There was tone's of foods and pictures of them that Cyborg printed out. Duela went bright red when she saw them. Raven was in the wheel chair, but she was laughing along with Garfield. Beast turned to him, "You promised you wouldn't tell!" he snapped. "I didn't I've been with you this whole morning!" Raven saw Tuskioh and Papeeno and wheeled over to them. "Oh Raven what happened!" Asked T, "Joker stabbed me, but I'm fine!" she saw her babies on the play mat and rolled over there, Garfield ran over to help her. 

"Oh friends! This is the most wonderful of news! We had the plan to throw you the feast!" Star flew over to them. They were both bright red, Star introduced them to East. Beast already knew them all too well, since he'd spoke to them before when him and Beast boy shared a body. "Nice Beast!" Speedy fist bumped him. "Er thanks?" Duela was still speechless. Star introduced her to Mas and Menos. "hola soy Mas, este es Menos!" she just waved at them still in shock, "¿Está bien cheeka?" asked Menos. Duela nodded, "Sí, estoy un poco sorprendido!" Star was amazed. "You too, speak their odd laungiue?" she asked. Duela giggled, "It's Spanish, mummy tort me... before you know..." she whistled and twirled her finger around her head. "Ah tu mama era una locura!" Mas and Menos giggled, so did Duela. Beast smiled at her, he loved her laugh.

Raven and Beast boy were showing East and Tuskioh the kids. "This is, Pup, Tofu," she eyed Gar, he rolled his eyes, "Ruby, Pure and Duela!" Mas and Menos liked playing with the babies, so they were busy. Beast pulled Garfield off by the ear. "Beast ow, that hurt's ow owowowow!" he dragged him to the hall way and let go. "Ow Dude what was that for!" he yelled, Beast growled at him. "They threw a party because of your stupid dare!" he roared. Beast boy shrugged, "Fine if you want, I can tell Duela you never want to kiss her again and call the party off!" he smirked and pretended to leave. Beast grabbed his collar chocking him, then pulling him back. "Logan I'm serious! What am I meant to do?! Do I ask her out! Kiss her again! Ran away!" he sighed. "Help me Logan!" Beast boy's mouth dropped, "Your asking me for dating tips!" Beast rolled his eyes, "Well you are the one getting married to a smoking hot girl!" Garfield growled at him. "Stay away from Raven!" Beast crossed his arms, "Look just help me!"

Beast boy giggled, "Alright Dude, so first you need to play it cool around her. Don't stress about crud like this kay?" Beast nods, Garfield put his arm around him and they walked down the hall. "Get her alone and talk for a bit, then when the times right lean in, if she lean's too she's your's, but if she backs up or calls the kiss off your screwed buddy!" Beast sighs, "Well that's reassuring!" Garfield chuckles, "Hey it worked on Rae didn't it?" He shrugged, it was true. "Kay dude so remember play it cool, get her alone, snog her face off!" Beast snorted, "Your messed up Logan, but thanks!" He high fived Beast and sent him through the doors. "Go get her tiger!" he joked, Beast stuck his finger up. 

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