Medical room

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He laid her down on the medical bed and messily grabbed bandages. "It's gonna be alright Rae, stay with me!" he said crying, with a river pouring down his cheeks. Cyborg hooked her up to the heart rate monitor and the blood tank. She had lost a lot of blood. Garfield held her hand tightly, he cried quietly, knelled on the floor next to her bed. Duela sat on the chair and watched her, she saved her life! 

The other Titans came in a bit later, Beast was in his human form now and they all sat around her bed. "Will she did alright friend Cyborg?" asked Star with stained cheeks. "She'll be fine, but she won't be able to move for a few days!" Star sighed with relief. Beast boy was just starring at her sleeping peacefully. Beast sat down next to him, "Hey Logan, she'll be fine. Don't worry!" Beast Boy just nodded sadly. "I saw what you did to the Joker... that was pretty bad ass!" he admitted. Garfield rubbed his sleeve on his mouth and looked at the blood. "I can still taste clown blood!" he sighed.

Robin, Bee, Star and Cyborg left, it was getting late and they were tired. "Are you coming to bed Logan?" asked Beast, he shook his head. "I'm staying with Rae!" he rubbed her pale cheek. "I'm staying too!" they turned to Duela. "It's my fault this happened, it's the least I can do!" Garfield smiled gratefully at her. Beast sighed, "Well if Duela stay's then I'm sleeping here for the night as well!" Duela curled up into the chair and closed her eyes. She fell asleep quickly, "Well?" asked Garfield. "Well what?"

"You gonna kiss her or what?" Beast blushed.

"What the heck are you talking about!?" he yell-whispered. (AN: you know what I mean!)

"You know you want to! When we shared a body you wanted to kiss Raven, it's obvious you wanna kiss Duela some more!" he had little kissy gestures. "Your a freak Logan!"

"Thank you I try!" he bowed, "I won't tell! I'll even pay you!" Beast raised an eye brow. "How much?" Beast boy shrugged.

"Fivea?" Beast thought for a moment and looked at the sleeping Duela. "Deal!" he got up and knelled next to her. Beast leaned in, then stopped, he turned to Garfield, "What if she wake's ... are you filming!" Beast boy pulled his phone down and shook his head, "No..." Beast stuck his middle finger up at him and turned back to Duela, "Peck or like proper?" Beast boy shrugged, "It's you mate dude!" Beast titled her head slightly to face him and gently kissed her lips, Garfield lifted his phone back up and took hundreds of photos. Beast kept kissing her for a bit then pulled back, Duela smiled when he let go. "Hehe someone enjoyed it!" laughed Beast boy. Beast went to get up, "Beast?" he'd woken her up, "Your luckily your cute, or I would have killed you for that!" she laughed and opened her eyes. Garfield laughed with her, "Sorry...couldn't help myself... and Logan dared me too!" She looked to Beast boy, he shrugged. "Your welcome!" he smiled at her. Duela pulled herself up from the chair and walked over to Beast, "You don't have to apologize..." she whispered, "I don't?" she bit her lip and shook her head. She came right up to him and smashed her lips against his, Beast was shocked then melted at her touch. Garfield giggled and took more photos, "Instagram!" he whispered, but they kept kissing. Beast picked her put and pined her to the chair, "Dude your 12!" Garfield reminded him, Beast growled at himself and loosened his grip on her. She pulled off him, he was on top of her, "What does him being 12 have to do with kissing me?" she asked Garfield. He went pink, "Yeah Logan what does that mean?" Beast egged on. Garfield gave him a dirty look, then smiled, "Beast wanted to have sex with you!" Duela's face dropped so did Beast's, "Em..." was all she said and he claimed off her. "Logan your luckily we're in the medical room..." he came closer. "Why?"

"Because... I'm going to kill you!" Beast started to chase him round the medical room. "Dude Raven is sleeping!" he turned into a humming bird and hid in the far left hand corner of the room, out of Beast's reach.

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