Jotaro x Reader: A Break

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You hesitantly peeked from behind the door frame to Jotaro's office, silently watching him work on his computer. His eyes were a bit dark and he would occasionally shift his shoulders with a furrowed brow. You wanted to tell him to stop for the day (it being almost midnight and all) but you knew his work ethic and were a bit afraid to encroach on his precious work.

Suddenly, Jotaro looked away from his computer and instantly met with your creeping gaze. You flinched and quickly ducked behind the wall. You were going to flee, but Jotaro's tired voice stopped you,


You swallowed and reluctantly responded, "Yes?"

Jotaro sighed, "Get in here."

You mentally face palmed and slowly emerged from behind the door, your gaze fixed to the floor.

"What is it?" he said, his voice unusually soft.

You nervously twiddled your thumbs as you felt his gaze on you, a blush rising to your cheeks,

" just looked so tired. I was...going to tell you to take a break but," you clasped your hands tighter, "I didn't want to bother you."

The room went silent for a moment, the soft whirring of Jotaro's computer easing you just a little.

Finally, Jotaro spoke,


You shot your gaze up to see Jotaro standing from his chair. You smiled tentatively as you watched him shut off his pc. He removed his jacket and tossed it lazily onto his leather chair with a strong exhale,

"I'm taking a shower."

You hummed in acknowledgement, his large frame slowly approaching you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. You were a bit surprised when he stopped in front of you. He stood there for a second, his eyes closed before he finally opened them to meet your gaze.

Your lashes fluttered and your blush burned a bit hotter as you stared into those lovely eyes of his. You hadn't looked into those turquoise gems all day.

Jotaro leaned down and gave you a faint kiss on your brow. You froze in place as he withdrew his lips then silently brushed past you like nothing even happened.

It wasn't until you heard the door to the bathroom close that you snapped out of your daze. You placed your hand on your heated cheek and sighed.


You quietly hummed as you scrolled through your phone as you sat on the comfortable sheets of you and Jotaro's bed. Before you knew it, Jotaro's half-naked self treaded into the room. Your humming immediately ceased upon his entering, your eyes glued to the still glistening image of his toned torso. You couldn't help but stare as he made his way to the dresser just across the way. You quickly looked away as he grabbed at the towel around his hips, a flush to your cheeks.

You turned back to him as you heard his footsteps again. His damnable abs were still on display as he approached the bed shirtless and without a care. He exhaled as he practically sprawled himself next to you, his face planted in the sheets. You smirked at how adorable that was.

"Massage me."

You were confused. Did he just say...massage?

"What?" You practically whispered, a bit nervous of hearing his answer.

"Yare Yare," he rose his deep voice a little higher, "I said massage me."

Oh sweet Jesus.

He did say that.

Your heart immediately started to pace and your body grew increasingly warmer as if your entire body was blushing at this task. You didn't know how, but your body managed to find itself resting on his thighs, just below his butt. You swallowed as you stared at his sinewy back, his muscles curving into beautiful mounds. You nervously placed your hands on his lower back. You could instantly tell just how knotted up his muscles were as you started to gently knead into his back.

You bit your lip to prevent myself from saying anything weird like "damn baby you're so tight" or any other dumb lines similar to that. You gradually made your way up, adding more pressure as you went. Jotaro grunted as you hit one particularly tight spot, the source of his troubles. You utilized your knuckles and thumbs to knead his muscles back to their original state. He let out a deep hum, making you blush even harder than before.

Eep! This was just too much for you, but you couldn't just stop now. You were already committed.

You ran up his back one more time to work out any kinks you happened to miss, then set your sights for his shoulders. You moved off his thighs, a little sad to not feel his warmth anymore, and shuffled up the bed until you were just at the very top of his body.

Without missing a beat, you got to work on his shoulders. You weren't really that experienced in this kind of thing, but hearing Jotaro's approving hums gave you a bit of confidence.

After another few seconds of gentle kneading, you ceased your efforts. You traced your finger along his back, a persistent pink on your cheeks,

"Do you...feel better?" you said, feeling weird for even letting that sentence leave your lips.

Jotaro gave a long sigh and that was all you needed to hear. You closed your eyes and laid down next to him. You smiled as his body slowly rose and fell with every soft breath he took. Your fingers toyed with his onyx tresses, still a bit damp from his shower.

"You still there?" you whispered, but got no response.

You smirked and placed a faint, yet lingering kiss on his arm. You admired his form just one more time before you rolled over and switched off the lamp on your bedside table.

"Goodnight, Jotaro."

A/N: I like this one. It makes me blush and laugh at the same time LOL I actually wrote this as a self insert with myself but I made an exception and converted it into a reader for you guys haha. SO YOU BETTER LIKE IT XDDD JKILOVEYOUALLAGH Hey, tho...can you imagine this actually happening? I'd literally die. XD Anyway, thanks for reading!! Much love and Stay Bizarre!!

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