Chapter 7

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I follow Phil to the lab, holding onto his arm for support. The support is needed due to the fact that I'm still feeling slightly dizzy from waking up. He leads me into a room that's all white aside from bags of blood lining the wall. There's a hospital bed with straps to hold people down in the middle of the room. Next to the bed is a table with what looks like surgical tools and other metal medical tools. Many of them look sharp. I look up at Phil who just tells me to go sit down on the bed. I walk over to it and sit on the edge.

"Alex will be in in a minute. Lay down on the bed." A pale lady says, walking into the room.

I lay down and she straps down, causing me to start to panic slightly. I look over at Phil, trying to get some sense of what was going to be happening to me. Phil didn't notice, now talking to the person that walked in. I listen in on what they're saying.

"Alex wants to taste him. He said he needs to know what lured you to him and what you sense. Then Alex plans on testing his pain tolerance to try and see if its high enough to survive the transformation. And if he thinks there's even the slightest chance he'll survive, he'll make you start the transformation here."

"Like right now?! That's going to kill him! If he gets transformed the same day he was changed and the same day he woke up, the pain will be unbearable for him!"

"And you, Philip. You will be in torturous pain too."

"That's not important! He's going to Die! I can't do this to him!"

"You have to Philip. You know what happens when you disobey Alex. You don't want to go through that."

Before he has the chance to reply, Alex walks in the room. "I see he's already strapped down. Philip. Go over to him. Since you changed him, you may be able to keep him calm and stop him from passing out. There's also a chance I may need you later."

I watch as Phil nod and walks over, sitting on a chair by my head and resting his hands on my shoulders.

Alex smirks down at me. "Let's begin."

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