Chapter 5

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Selena's POV

The last concert was awesome.The audience was cool as always and they were screamimg a lot when Demi came on stage.They like to see two super-stars together on the stage.-"Wow....this was.....SOOO COOL!"-Demi shouted.-"LOL...I told you that my fans are the best people in the world."-I said.-"Yes...they are.I could see that tonight."-Demi said.-"I am starving.And I am tirsty too."-I said.-"Me too...Let's eat something."-Demi said.-"Selena, please take a photo with me?!!!"-Selena,I want an autogram"-Demi!!!! We love you."-Selena and Demi we want to take a photo with you two."-the girls all around us shouted.Of course, I love my fans a lot, so I told some of them to stay in one line so I could get a photo with all of them.Demi did the same thing with others.Tham paparazzi came.-"Selena....can you tell us, how do you fell now, after the one of the greates concerts in your carrier."-one of the paparazzi said.-"I feel awesome.My fans were cool as always and I have to thank them.I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be me without them.Thanks a lot guys.Love ya."-I said.-"So, we heared that Justin Bieber wrote a song for you.Is Nick Jonas jealous?"the paparazzi said.-"Justin is a great friend and he was there for me when was so hard.I have to say that I am not in a relationship with Nick anymore.He cheated me."-I said and smiled.-"With who Sel? Tell us."-the paparazzi said.-"You should ask him that."-I said and left.-"Woww....girl.You impress me everytime."-Demi said.-"Yes...sometimes I impress myself too."-I said.-"You were totaly cool when they asked you about Nick."-said Demi.-"Sure...I was.Like I always like to say :love yourself first!"-I said.-" are saying that all the time"-Demi said.-" let's eat something."-I said and Demi laughed.

Justin's POV

-"Justin, come here.Sel is on TV"-said Alfredo.-"What is she saying?"-I asked.-"She is talking about her fans."-Alfredo said."And now they are asking her to say something about your song and Nick"-he said.-"I need to hear that."-I screamed.-"Wow...Selena was soo good tonight."-Alfredo said.-"Yes..that is my girl"-Justin said.-"Serously, your girl?"-Alfredo laughed.-"Stop there now."-I said and I giggled.-"I was thinking, you should write onother song for her party.She will like it."-Alfredo said.-"Yo, bro.You're right.Can you help me?"-I asked.-"Yes...I can help you with the music."-Alfredo said.-"Good idea.I will call Scotter to tell him about our idea."-I said.-"Great...let's start writing.The party is in about two days."-Alfredo said and we started working.

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